Too busy to grind so I'm selling this account. Hopefully someone else can enjoy it. Account Features: Level 60 Monthly Card (SVIP) Over 30K Diamonds, 15 Select tickets, 40 Summon Ticket 6 star Yuffie, 5.5 star Miyuki + a bunch of 5 stars, see below screenshot for full characters and missing characters. Skins : Miyuki, Rikia, Hersey, Kasumi + all the ones you can get from playing **** ton of gears and gear enhancement stones, I'm too lazy to use em. Note: Since this screenshot I've obtained Barinas and Fenebeth If you're interested or have questions reach me at MicroDZ#1809 on Discord. Account is linked to dummy email you will get the password to. Price: Best Offer Buyout: $50 Payment: PayPal F&F, or middleman if you pay fees