Sold 1,7M GP Hoard account with Relic 7 Mandalorians, joined at 05 Sep 2020, Han MF, HT, Rank 1 arenas

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by QLC, 12/29/20.

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  1. QLC

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Selling a Hoard account recently joined in the arena (05th September 2020), with the Hyperdrive Bundle (HDB) applied and with 1,7 million Galactic Power.

    Is focused in a Mandalorian squad, with Bossk (Relic 7, 2 zetas) as leader, Boba (Relic 7, 1 zeta), Jango (Relic 7), The Mandalorian (Relic 5, 1 zeta) and Greff Karga (Relic 7, 2 zetas):


    Has a total of 12 zetas applied, 46 characters at 7 stars and 7 characters at Gear 13, including 4 at Relic 7.


    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Has other interesting Bounty Hunters and Scoundrels, like Aurra at Relic 3 with 1 Zeta and Cara Dune at Relic 1, interesting to play with other teams in Grand Arena or to use as main team with The Mandalorian, Greef Karga, Cara Dune and Bossk, to defeat easily all teams, can defeat teams like Darth Revan, Jedi Knight Revan, Padmé, General Anakin Skywalker and others, and then you can make another team with Jango, Boba, Cad Bane, IG-88 and Dengar, for example, you can make easily 2 good Bounty Hunters teams for Grand Arena.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Also is farming Kuiil and IG-11, which are at Gear 10 with a Zeta applied on Kuiil, so soon will be able to unlock The Mandalorian (Beskar Armor).

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Also has
    OT Chewie and Han Solo at 7 stars and at Gear 12.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    As is a
    Hoard account from my system, it has 7★ General Kenobi, 6★ Darth Traya and 7★ Han Solo. Has
    Darth Traya with 2 Zetas already applied.


    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    It has Padmé already unlocked at 7 stars, as farmed Geonosians, has Geonosian Brood Alpha with 2 Zetas applied and a good Geonosian team.

    You can build a good Republic Galactic team for GAC, as the HDB includes Anakin, Ahsoka, Windu and Qui-Gon Jinn, as a Hoard account it includes General Kenobi and also farmed Barriss, Aayla and Ima-Gun Di during the hoarding. Also unlocked Grand Master Yoda and R2-D2 with the Journey Guide. Then, farming Shaak Ti, which already is 4 stars, you can build a good Clone team.



    Has enough Jedis (Ezra, Kanan, Ahsoka, GK and Juhani) to promote Yoda at 7 stars.


    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The farming is
    ready for Darth Revan, only is needed gear them. You can build a Grievous team, as already has B2 at 6 stars, B1 and Droideka at 4 stars and IG-100 at 5 stars.

    Rest of characters are the included in the Hypedrive Bundle, you can check the complete list »»here««.

    With this roster
    is easy get Rank 1 in the Arena every day and win all Grand Arenas.


    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    For Fleet Arena has the Han's Millennium Falcon and the Hound's Tooth.

    Can get Rank 1 easily every day with a Rebel fleet. Thanks to the Hoard account got Han Solo directly at 7 stars, so has been the first in the server to get the Han's Millennium Falcon.

    ● It has 1 time zone change available.








    #1 QLC, 12/29/20
    Last edited: 12/29/20
  2. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

    155   0   0

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    You can change the time zone on game settings to make coincide the arena time and payouts at best moment for you, there is 1 time zone change available.

    The account is playable on Android and iOS devices. You can have it linked to Google Play (Android), Game Center (iOS) or both at same time.

    Price reduction & Offers

    This account is elegible for the weekly price reduction. The weekly price reduction consist that every week the price of the account will be reduced a little. In this case, the reduction will be 5 USD per week. The price tag and the Middleman listing will be updated. The updates will be every Monday. Be careful about waiting too much, because always there is the risk that the account gets sold and from then you will not be able to purchase it.

    This account is elegible for offers. In the top of the thread you will see the button "Make Offer". If you press there you can request a lower price. Put the price and press on "Send". If I'm the owner of the account I will take the decision by myself. If I'm not the owner I will ask to the owner if is interested to accept the offer. Be careful to not send too much low offers, like send a 150 USD offer for a 400 USD account, because I will not accept, should be only low reductions. I always put fair prices in my threads, so try to be fair also.

    Lower prices in some payment methods. The price of this thread is the price when is used PlayerUp Middleman as payment platform. They apply a fee of around 15%. Other methods have less fees, so is applied a price reduction of 10% or 15%. By PayPal and Skrill the reduction is 10%. By TransferWise, Bank transfer, Western Union or MoneyGran the reduction is 15%.

    Payment methods

    PlayerUp Middleman: Is a good system if you want the best protection granted, consist that first the buyer sends the money to Middleman and Middleman keeps the money until the buyer confirms that received the account. This system prҽvents the scams, the seller never will receive the money until you confirm you have the control of the account.

    After the payment, a Middleman agent will create a 3-way conversation in next 24-72 hours. Once created, I will provide you all the instructions to link the account to your Android or iOS device. Once you confirm you linked the account to your device, you must change the conversation prefix to "Seller - Confirms Delivery", by this way the Middleman agent will start the cashout to send the money to me, the seller.

    Middleman has a lot of payment methods, like PayPal, Skrill, TransferWise, Visa, Mastercard, WebMoney, Gift Cards, Google Pay and others, to check the complete list »»click here««.

    If you are interested to use this method, press in the "Buy Now" button that appears at the beginning of the thread or in the next banner or link:



    PayPal (Bank card or PayPal funds): This method includes 180 days buyer protection. To use this method, or any other of the rest of payment methods, is needed contact with me by some of the chat apps explained in the next section. If you pay the account by PayPal, the price will be 10% lower.

    Skrill (Bank card or Skrill funds). If you pay the account by Skrill, the price will be 10% lower.

    TransferWise (Bank card or TransferWise funds). If you pay the account by TransferWise, the price will be 15% lower.

    Bank transfer: I have bank account on Europe, which is a SEPA transfer, on N26 (Germany) and Caixabank (Spain) entities. If you pay the account by Bank transfer, the price will be 15% lower.

    Western Union / MoneyGram (Cash). If you pay the account by Western Union or Moneygran, the price will be 15% lower.


    You can check below my contact data to chat with me and talk about it, you can talk with me by Discord, WhatsApp, Facebook., Line, Telegram, Skype, Twitter, Instagram. or mail, I share all my social media so this demonstrates that I'm a trust person with a real service and a safe payment system, as any scammer would share his social networks and show his face on Internet. I'm using all chat platforms and I will answer instantly from 11:00 AM CET to 03:00 AM CET. I'm from Spain, I talk Spanish and English.

    Discord: Quim#3389

    WhatsApp: +34 684 21 75 56



    Line: QUIMLC

    Skype: QUIMLC



    Mail: [email protected]

    If you use PlayerUp Middleman, you can include insurances in the order. The insurances give you a protection during 60 days, if someone scam you PlayerUp will give you all the money back and the scammer will be banned. The insurances and costs are the following:

    60 Day Insurance Package (Orders $100.00 or Less) = $1.99
    60 Day Insurance Package (Orders $100.01 to $300.00) = $5.99
    60 Day Insurance Package (Orders $300.01 to $600.00)= $14.99
    60 Day Insurance Package (Orders $600.01 or $1000.00)= $24.99
    60 Day Insurance Package (Orders $1000.01 or Higher)= $34.99

    After press on the "Buy now" button you can press on "Insurance Packages" and there you will be able to select your insurance. If you pay 250 USD for an account and 5,99 USD for the insurance, you will receive back the 250 USD in your account if you are scammed and the seller will be banned. Then you can Cashout the Middleman Balance via some of the multiple Cashout Methods they have, like bank transfer, PayPal, Skrill, TransferWise and others, so during these 60 days you will be fully protected.

    You can check more info about the PlayerUp Middleman buyer protection system here:

    Also, as already I explained before, the PlayerUp Middleman system consist that first the buyer sends the money to Middleman and Middleman keeps the money until the buyer confirms that received the account, so the seller will never receive the money until you confirm that you received the account and that you are satisfied with it.

    If you use PayPal also you have 180 days buyer protection, as already is included in the price, the sellers pay the commissions for the transaction when you pay it as product/service, in these commissions are included the buyer insurances.

    You can check more info about the PayPal buyer protection system in the following link:

    Safe Transfer

    To be sure that the owner of the account will not connect again in the account, we do a conversation by some chat app (Discord, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram., Twitter, Telegram, Line, Skype, etc.) to replace the account by a guest account level 6. Is a new account that I create automatically each time, with a macro on BlueStacks, only for this purpose.

    If the owner has the account linked on an Android and iOS device at same time, the account is replaced by the same guest account lvl 6 in both platforms.

    Previously, the owner links the account to my guest account. After do the replacement, only me have access to the account.

    The owner does a video screen recording to demonstrate that replaced the account.

    From this moment is 100% safe for the buyer send the money to the owner.

    If the money is sent via PayPal there is double protection, as is included 180 days buyer protection. If is needed pay it by other methods also is safe enough thanks to my method.

    In this money sent is not included my fee as seller, the buyer pays it in a second part. For example, if is a 500 USD account, sends 475 to the owner and later 25 USD to me. I not receive my part until the buyer has the control of the account.

    After it starts the link to the buyer device, with the instructions sent by private message.

    When the account is linked to the buyer device, pays my fee as seller and I do a new video showing how I replace my account by another guest account level 6, by this way the buyer can be sure that the owner and me not have access anymore to the account.

    This method works in all platforms, Android and iOs.

    In the following video you can see an example about how I do this process:

    Also is an extra protection for the owner, for if the buyer tries to recover the money when already has the account linked to the device, then the owner will have a proof, thanks to the video and the chat logs, to demonstrate that delivered correctly the account, this type of scam never works in my method, already happened 5 times, they tried to scam me, and all times I won the PayPal disputes, so will not work thanks to these proof. When the transfer process is completed I do a video screen recording with all chat conversations with the owner and the buyer to have proofs if are needed, to prevent that some part delete the messages before open a dispute. If they try some scam I always will have the videos ready to demonstrate that all the process was legit and correct, so in 100% of cases the scammer will lose the dispute.

    Is not transferred the mail and password directly because could be considered as illegal account transfer if you use the same Google Play Games profile in a different country, as happened to the best streamer of this game, AhnaldT101, he got banned his second account because of this reason, he bought an asian account and was purchasing items in the Store with the asian prices, which are cheaper, so got banned. Always is better create your own mail, which will have the correct country and the correct Store prices, and link there the account, or continue using your main mail, deleting previously the Google Play Games profile. On iOS devices directly is not possible buy items in the Store if you not use your own mail.

    Is an advantage for the owner also, as the owner doesn't need deliver the main mail, which maybe also is being used for other games, has apps and items purchased in the app store or is the mail used for the configurations in the device. Is not needed transfer the mail, the owner keeps the mail, with the level 6 account, and the buyer uses the main mail or a new mail where link the new account.

    Also you can check in my PlayerUp profile that I not have any negative feedback, 100% are positive, tens of positive feedbacks, you can check that I'm a verified Pro Seller Silver member since 28th January 2017, a lot of years ago, so it means that all my costumers are happy with their accounts, all are happy with the transactions, so it means that I never had any problem with the buyers and that you can be sure that I'm a trusted seller, if I was not a trusted seller I would have some negative feedback, the first thing that would do an unsatisfied buyer would be write a negative feedback in my profile, but this is not the case, never happened, 100% are positive, so you can be sure that all process where I'm involved, like when the buyer links to my device the account or when I delete the account in my device, all these process are 100% safe, you not have any reason to be worried about it.

    [​IMG] The "Verified" status means that PlayerUp verified my identity with documentation, with a national identity document and a bill. Any scammer would do that step, as would be very easy put a lawsuit.

    [​IMG] The "Pro Seller" membership means that I pay 100 USD yearly to have some advantages as seller
    , you can check them »»here««.

    [​IMG] The "Silver" status means that I completed more than 20 Middleman transactions, you can check »»here«« the info about these membership levels. Also take into account that per every PlayerUp Middleman transaction I sold another 7 or 8 accounts with other sites or payment methods, usually my total accounts sold is around 4 times my feedbacks.

    This is the
    link to access directly to my PlayerUp profile with the feedbacks:

    SWGoH Future


    This game is generating between 16 and 17 million dollars per month, like 200 million dollars per year. Since the launch, this game generated more than 1 billion dollars.

    Minecraft, the most sold game in the history, did 110 million in the mobile version on 2018, less than SWGoH. EA FIFA Mobile did 158 million, also less. The best games are Fortnite 2.400M, League of Legends 1.400M, Pokemon GO 1.300M, Candy Crush 1.100M, Clash Royale 800M, Clash of Clans 800M, The Sims Mobile 650M, so SWGoH is not too far of these games taking into account that is a specific thematic, the Star Wars world, not a general thematic.

    SWGoH has a good future and will continue active as always in next 3 years at least and probably much more
    , because is a game with a continuous updates that keep the old players and incentivize the new players, plus Star Wars has new films, active series and a lot of content that keep the interest of the current and new players, plus the developers to continue creating new content.
    #2 QLC, 12/29/20
    Last edited: 8/17/21
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