Selling  Android and iOS  City Hall Level 25+  Germany  High End 76 Million - VIP 16 - 13 Expertised - 22 Passports

Discussion in 'Rise of Civilizations Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by SirTricorn, 12/25/20.

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  1. SirTricorn

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    Had great fun on the account, but like I was buying it, I believe others will also enjoy it :)

    The account has the following commanders expertised, each number indicates each skill level:

    Constantine 5555
    Yi Seong-Gye 5555
    Cao Cao 5555
    Richard 5555
    Minamoto 5555
    Martel 5555
    El Cid 5555
    Khan 5555
    Alexander 5555
    Ethelfled 5555
    Edward 5555
    Hannibal 5555
    Caesar 5555
    Saladin 5353 ( expertising now )
    Mehmed 5542
    Frederick 5520
    Wu Zetian 2000

    The account comes with 103 days of Gem Supplies, 668 days of speedups and 22 passports. The account is located in the top alliance of the 177X kingdom. An honest comment, the account was created in Korea, but there should be no issue playing on it! I am Swedish myself :) The only issue you'll encounter is that when you buy items, you'll need to pay in WON (Korean currency). But this issue is for all accounts!

    I'd gladly help you set up the account to make sure you're comfortable and satisfied with the purchase! You'll get a gmail account to change password to and get ownership of, so you can feel safe the account will always be accessible :)

    It has just finished KVK 2, meaning in a month to two, KVK 3 will begin! You'll have great fun like I have for the past KVK, and the past owner before that!!

    I'll have a starting price at 1499 USD, solely because of the VIP level being so high, somewhat good passports and the amazing commanders!! If you have any questions, feel free to write to me on Discord. Copy the following name: 영광스러운 지도자 = Glorious Leader & the digits #6547, and you can ask everything you want and I'd gladly answer :)

    Genuine seller, so I'd gladly chat if you wish to get to know me a bit more prior to purchasing! Screenshot (139)_LI.jpg Screenshot (146)_LI.jpg Screenshot (139)_LI.jpg Screenshot (146)_LI.jpg Screenshot (140).png

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