Sold UPDATED 12.21.20 - ROUGH DIAMOND ACCOUNT - 38M, 659L, 8,645 Gems, 35,986 Turds - 280 OBO

Discussion in 'Animation Throwdown Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ramon94, 12/4/20.

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  1. Ramon94

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    Hi everyone!

    I'm calling this a rough diamond account as it gives you the base to absolutely take off in Animation Throwdown. There is only a little investment needed to make this account top 100! Just get some nice and neat PC's, which ever you want when the offerings here and there you go. I am not going to do that, as I already spent too much money and lost the interest in this longtime account. Some days ago, I pulled mythic Bobby and Soda Celebration, so they don't really have a lot researched yet - but most other mythics are fully researched. For more infos, see pictures (Picture of all cards at the end of the thread, if you need full size, i can send it to you) as well as inventory and CM list below. Hit me up if you're interested! Thanks.

    8Profile.jpg 1Mythics.jpg 2Char Quad Legendary.jpg 3Item Quad Legendary.jpg 4PC's legendary.jpg 5All PC's.jpg 7Split of all cards.JPG

    Here is my inventory from 4th of December morning:
    Nixons: 233082/500000
    Turds: 27566
    Watts: 1862/25000
    WW: 22851/30000
    Gems: 8275
    Energy Refill +5: 45
    Energy Refill +10: 9
    Arena Refill +5: 77
    Arena Refill +10: 245
    Mythic Stone: 482
    Legendary Stone: 405
    Power Stone: 450
    Mastery Stone: 22100
    Greater Epic Stone: 555
    Super Mythic Stone: 160
    Mythic Object Stone: 25
    Stewie Fragment: 25
    Brian Fragment: 25
    Peter Fragment: 25
    Joe Fragment: 15
    Lois Fragment: 15
    Hayley Fragment: 2
    Roger Fragment: 140
    Steve Fragment: 15
    Louise Fragment: 125
    Bob Fragment: 56
    Teddy Fragment: 15
    Tina Fragment: 4
    Wagstaff Whaler Fragment: 15
    Gene Fragment: 90
    Jimmy Jr. Fragment: 90
    Dale Fragment: 115
    Bill Fragment: 15
    Zoidberg Fragment: 9
    Professor Farnsworth Fragment: 22
    Zapp Brannigan Fragment: 15
    Research Speedup +1: 65
    Research Speedup +8: 22
    Research Speedup +24: 1

    Here my CM list:
    Combo Mastery
    Level | Combo | left
    3 | Bad Tina | 0
    3 | Drunk Peter | 0
    2 | $300 Knife | 0
    2 | Action Delivery Force Leela | 0
    2 | Assassin Bender | 0
    2 | Ballgirl | 0
    2 | Balloon Fight | 0
    2 | Balloon Sniper | 0
    2 | Bending School Grad | 0
    2 | Betsy | 0
    2 | Burger Wars | 0
    2 | Burgerboss Bob | 0
    2 | Censor Stan | 0
    2 | Chicken Fight | 5
    2 | Christmas Punchout | 0
    2 | CIA Student | 5
    2 | Devil Bobby | 20
    2 | Diarama Gene | 40
    2 | Dinner Wine Bob | 0
    2 | Dodgeball Louise | 0
    2 | Dr. Bobbenstein | 0
    2 | Drunk Stan | 0
    2 | Duh-Vinci Farnsworth | 0
    2 | Easter Bunny Peter | 0
    2 | Fart in a Jar | 5
    2 | Fowl Fighter Teddy | 0
    2 | Garbage Shot Linda | 0
    2 | Gas Class | 0
    2 | Half Dog Gene | 0
    2 | Hatchet Boomhauer | 0
    2 | Heckler Zoidberg | 10
    2 | High School Bill | 10
    2 | Home Ec Teacher | 0
    2 | Hot Cocoa Gene | 0
    2 | Humplings | 0
    2 | Jealous Bobby | 0
    2 | K Pop Peter | 0
    2 | Karaoke Zapp | 5
    2 | Karate Stewie | 0
    2 | Laser Tag Stan | 0
    2 | Let's Go Fart | 0
    2 | Lord Griffin | 0
    2 | Magazine Cover Zapp | 0
    2 | Martian Calendar | 0
    2 | Medicated Stewie | 0
    2 | Meg's In Charge | 15
    2 | Mission Doctor | 5
    2 | Naked Tug of War | 0
    2 | Nun Peggy | 0
    2 | Nurse Tina | 0
    2 | One Man Musical | 0
    2 | Paddlin' Peggy | 0
    2 | Pigeon Bill | 10
    2 | Pirate Cannon Peter | 0
    2 | Ricky Spanish | 0
    2 | Running Back Hank | 0
    2 | Sex Ed Peter | 0
    2 | Shoplift Addict | 0
    2 | Show and Tell | 0
    2 | Squirrel Death | 0
    2 | Stressed Out Leela | 0
    2 | Student Fry | 0
    2 | Super Dance Squad | 0
    2 | Swat Bob | 0
    2 | Talent Show Lois | 0
    2 | Tattoo Stan | 0
    2 | Time for Hard Liquor | 0
    2 | Tina Tackle | 10
    2 | Tree | 0
    2 | Trippy Zoidberg | 0
    2 | Unsharp Scissors Zapp | 0
    2 | Viking Peter | 0
    2 | Washboard Bender | 0
    2 | Whale Hunter Amy | 0
    2 | Wingnut Amy | 0
    2 | Wingnut Leela | 0
    2 | Xerxes the Falcon | 0
    2 | Yacht Club | 0
    2 | Zombie Jimmy Jr. | 0
    1 | Art Thief Bender | 15
    1 | Balloon Tosser | 0
    1 | Beefsquatch | 20
    1 | Big Bad Brian | 0
    1 | Boy Witch Steve | 15
    1 | Burgers and Fries Gene | 15
    1 | Claw-Plach Fry | 10
    1 | Crack Addict Stan | 5
    1 | CrippleTron | 0
    1 | Devil Hank | 5
    1 | Dojo Joe | 5
    1 | Dolphin Rider Peter | 10
    1 | Fake Son Gene | 15
    1 | Fur Coat Lois | 5
    1 | Gut Punch Zapp | 15
    1 | Heavy Metal Hayley | 5
    1 | History Report Gene | 15
    1 | Honey Mustache Stewie | 10
    1 | Junk Food Bill | 15
    1 | Karate Lois | 15
    1 | Lou Belchera | 5
    1 | Mind Switcher Amy | 5
    1 | Paintball Bill | 5
    1 | Postal Lois | 5
    1 | Prom Beer Joe | 0
    1 | Psych Meds | 20
    1 | QB Boomhauer | 5
    1 | Rabid Dale | 20
    1 | Rapture Stan | 5
    1 | Reverse Stink Hold | 5
    1 | Robot Devil's Hands | 5
    1 | Slow Dance Jimmy Jr. | 10
    1 | Swim Lesson | 15
    1 | Tainted Alamo | 5
    1 | Zapp Figurines | 20

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    #1 Ramon94, 12/4/20
    Last edited: 12/4/20
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  2. OP

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    1Mythics.jpg 2Char Quad Legendary.jpg 3Item Quad Legendary.jpg 4PC's legendary.jpg 5All PC's.jpg 7Split of all cards.JPG

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  3. OP

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    Here is my inventory from 21th of December evening:
    Nixons: 249360/500000
    Turds: 35986
    Watts: 9631/25000
    WW: 28887/30000
    Gems: 8645
    Energy Refill +5: 45
    Energy Refill +10: 9
    Arena Refill +5: 80
    Arena Refill +10: 245
    Mythic Stone: 682
    Legendary Stone: 30
    Power Stone: 350
    Mastery Stone: 29450
    Greater Epic Stone: 810
    Super Mythic Stone: 265
    Mythic Object Stone: 35
    Bender Fragment: 150
    Stewie Fragment: 25
    Brian Fragment: 25
    Peter Fragment: 25
    Joe Fragment: 15
    Lois Fragment: 15
    Hayley Fragment: 2
    Roger Fragment: 140
    Steve Fragment: 15
    Louise Fragment: 125
    Bob Fragment: 56
    Teddy Fragment: 15
    Tina Fragment: 4
    Wagstaff Whaler Fragment: 15
    Gene Fragment: 90
    Jimmy Jr. Fragment: 90
    Dale Fragment: 115
    Bill Fragment: 15
    Zoidberg Fragment: 9
    Professor Farnsworth Fragment: 22
    Zapp Brannigan Fragment: 15
    Research Speedup +1: 149
    Research Speedup +8: 44
    Research Speedup +24: 3
    #3 Ramon94, 12/21/20
    Last edited: 12/26/20
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  4. Kire680

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    Wait I think you messed up the gem count on this one you added an 8
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  5. OP

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    You are right, thank you very much! The correct amount is 9,305 at the moment!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
    Kire680 likes this.
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