Selling  Cuntwars Multi Accounts and Guild

Discussion in 'CuntWars Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by CwarsMultiboxer, 12/18/20.

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  1. CwarsMultiboxer

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    Don't have time to play this game anymore but I spent thousands of dollars on it so hoping to get a few bucks back.

    There are many accounts (16) but 3 primary accounts worth selling - the others are just league 15 approx 4k might 10k troops. Here are some details about the main 3 accounts in order of highest value:

    Primary account:
    League 1 / Rank 137 / VIP6
    Might: 9170 (my deck) 9950 (max)
    Troops: 47409
    Warlords unlocked: Cookie, Efreet
    Pets: All 3 legendary pets at level 3 and a lvl2 rare pet
    Cards: Mostly played a Legion based order deck with Legion 8, Athena 11, Angelia 10, Justia 9 Alexandria 5, Mjolnir 4, Santa 2, Winged knight 9. Most are reborn at least once. 30 legendary cards total on account at various levels.

    The other two accounts are setup really similar, but just lower level by a little bit:
    8330 might / 36k troops / 2 leg pets / cookie warlord / all chest slots unlocked / league 2 / rank 124 / VIP 6

    7320 might / 24k troops / 2 leg pets / cookie warlord / all chest slots unlocked / league 4 / rank 100 / VIP 6

    The guild is currently level 6, almost full of members, 61k influence (level 7 requires 70k so almost there), most bonuses unlocked at level 2/3. Started it from scratch and built it up. Some decent players in the guild and a few spenders.

    I realize that there is a lot more information I could list but I don't know what specifics each buyer wants so you can ask questions and I'll try to answer. Gems, elixir, gold, contribution varies from account to account and changes as I am still playing these a little bit while I find someone to buy them.

    I'd be willing to part out the accounts - primary $400, other two at $200. But hoping to sell the whole lot for $700 including the guild. It's fun to play them all at once using chrome profiles and being able to coordinate turf wars with multi accounts. The cheap accounts i'll throw in for anyone who wants them that is buying larger accounts from me here. These accounts are all about 3 months old so that's why they don't have as many troops as accounts that have been played for years with similar max might.

    Happy to discuss offers since there are a lot of different ways to use the multi accounts etc...
    All accounts have an email account as well that I'm happy to give you so you can reset passwords and make any changes as you go.
    #1 CwarsMultiboxer, 12/18/20
    Last edited: 12/18/20
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