Hi im selling a 35M account Ready to migrate and Very good for kvk. Im giving the stats of the account below. 35M power 17M Kills VIP 12 (2 gold heads) 2.1M T4 Troops Passports 10 4 City Skins 160 gold heads Billion Rss All buildings lvl 25 except for Archer tower 24 and Castle 19 Legendary commanders Athelfied 5555 Richard 5514 Elcid 5551 Charles Martel 5511 Cleopetra 552x Ishida 552x Sundok 551x Juloes ceaser 52xx Cao Cao 522x Fedrick 53xx Seondeok 55xx Mehmet 52xx Minamoto 2xxx YSG 3xxx Mulin 1xxx Gengis Khan 1xxx Alexander the great 1xxx Almost all epic comanders expertised. Linked only to gmail Price 150$ If interested for more info Email ID [email protected] or Line ID Ragingstar95 Discord ID Tetテト#9545