Selling [Selling WTS 3x Eve Online characters 118/107/88.6mil SP

Discussion in 'Eve Online Accounts For Sale' started by Blackwaka, 12/7/20.

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  1. Blackwaka

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    1st Account:
    - 118mil SP
    - Can fly Gallente, Caldari, Amarr, Triglavian capitals
    - Triglavian & Edencom ships trained, including Edencom battleship lvl 5
    - 115bil in assets
    - Nyx included
    - Gallente and Caldari guns close to maxed
    - Can use all mining ships
    - Currently Omega
    - Account since 2003

    2nd Account:
    - 107mil SP
    - Can fly Gallente capital
    - Maxed out Rorqual pilot (including all mining ships)
    - 25bil in assets
    - Rorquals included
    - Can fly subcapital gallente/caldari/amarr ships
    - High production skills maxed, excluding station building
    - Currently Omega
    - Account since 2006

    3rd Account:
    - 88.6Mil SP
    - Can fly Gallente capital
    - Edencom ships trained, including Edencom cruiser lvl 5
    - 17bil in assets
    - Thanatos included
    - Can use all mining ships (including ability to fly Rorqual)
    - Currently Omega
    - Account since 2006

    Add me on Discord for price offers + skillsheet => Blakwacka#4299

    Selling based on SP and isk value in assets
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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