ALL PRICES ARE USD AND FINAL. we should deliver instantly im on from 8 am est to 12 am est and my partner is on 5 pm est to 5:30 am est 1$= 35 chests (coins or heirlooms) 2$=90 chests (coins or heirlooms) 30c=12 chests (coins or heirlooms) 3$ starter kit 20k cash level 85 and 25 gold bars 2$ 35 of any pelts including legendarys and 3 bonus coin chests 50c 25 gold bars cannot purchase gold bars which amounts to over 110!!!! it puts your account into risk of getting banned! 1.35$ 50 gold bars cannot purchase gold bars which amounts to over 110!!!! it puts your account into risk of getting banned! 1.85$ 70 gold bars cannot purchase gold bars which amounts to over 110!!!! it puts your account into risk of getting banned! 1$ to 10$ any level up to 150 plus 1k-50k cash and 10 gold bars message me or King Vibe#6341 for this as this is custom!! if you want something custom, mission carries, role boosts, horse bond boosts, ect message me on discord! fast internet#5402 or join the discord server
ok so in the RDO discord this service was offered to me, i of course being a greedy son of a gun decided to check it out. they offered their services and they did very well, did exactly what they offered quick and painless, hell i was probably more of a pain than they where asking so many stupid questions like i was XD either way the service is legitimate and you should try it. ~VunderFiz P.S. yes my account is new, never even knew this site existed until it was linked to me if you want verification if this review is legit please add me on discord: VunderFiz#7720
note: you actually get around 40k cash and max level collector and max level club rewards and im only doing level 65 instead of 85 as 85 takes 2-4 hours to boost to 65 1-2 hours this is for the starter kit
This is friendly and generous modder! Answered my questions and gave me even more then said. If you sceptic just activate your Two-Verification option.