High End  Android and iOS Top attack account for sale 314 lv

Discussion in 'DomiNations Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by #Baby#, 12/5/20.

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  1. #Baby#

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    My Location:
    Top attack account for sale!

    Library: maxed.

    Aircraft: Fighter maxed, Bomber maxed, Reconn maxed, transport maxed

    Factory: HT maxed, ARPG maxed, inf maxed, Ac’s maxed, tactical helicopter

    Generals: Zhukov 80 lvl, Churchill 80 lvl, Joan of Arc 80 lvl, Alexander 78 lvl

    University fully leveled to attack

    Legendary war artifact: flying car Leonardo da Vinci, zhuayez sword, red baron's engine, demarcation stone, The white Death’s War Kit, RQ-2 Pioner, Red Baron's Engine

    Great Museum for attack

    HT damage 64%

    HT hp 62%

    Bombers damage 62%

    Bombers hp 56%

    Fighter damage 70%

    Fighter hp 78%

    All enemy defense tower damage -86%

    All enemy defense tower hp -113%

    And more other buffs

    There are artifacts for protection.

    Many different ancillary buildings.

    Many additional troops to attack.

    4 years in the game. The account was not banned during this time.

    Contact me on Telegram : @Anna_Vetr
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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