Selling  High End High end Torn City account for sale - 60B+ Networth, 1B+ stats - WITH MIDDLEMAN SERVICE

Discussion in 'Torn City Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Torn_Acc_sale, 12/3/20.

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  1. Torn_Acc_sale

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    My Location:
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    Buy Now
    Looking to sell my extremely high end Torn city account.

    I cannot provide the exact stats for security reasons. The above represent approximations:

    Total Networth: 60B+

    Total stats: 1B+ (all capped and balanced)

    All education completed

    All work stats above 100k each

    Solid 60 natural nerve bar, good for PAs

    Comes with several extremely rare honor bars and total awards 400+

    No notable friends or enemies, low recognizability in the community. You will blend in perfectly fine.

    You will be getting full and sole access to the e-mail linked to the account, as I am not using it for anything else.

    You will also be getting several documents and information to prove the account has always been yours.

    Price is 2,200 USD. Please no bargaining.

    Payment will be handled by PLAYER-UP MIDDLEMAN service.

    For further info you can reach me at [email protected]

    Have a good day.

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