Sold |PC-NA| PvE Account |775 Crown Gems| |Spirit Slayer| |Almost all # sets for DPS| CP 460 |

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tachyon980, 12/2/20.

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  1. Tachyon980

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    level 50 - High elf magicka dragonknight (Flawless Conqueror)
    level 50 - High elf magicka nightblade (Spirit Slayer)
    level 50 - high elf magicka warden
    level 50 - High elf magicka sorcerer
    level 40 - Orc Stamina nightblade
    level 34 - Argonian Tank nightblade
    4.000.000 xp enlightened
    Alchemy 50 on all Characters
    Jewerly 41 on Magdk

    4 months eso plus left (Until march 2021)
    775 Crown Gems

    Stormfist Arms pack
    Earthgore Arms pack
    All characters wearing expensive motifs.
    Hungering Void Maul, mace and shield weapon motifs (vateshran)
    A lot of Vateshran Perfected Weapons
    A lot of Maelstrom Perfected Weapons
    Siroria's golden pieces with inferno staff
    False god's golden pieces with inferno staff
    Elf bane's golden jewerly and body pieces (all bloodthirsty/divines)
    A lot of monster sets (Golden zaan, Golden iceheart, Golden maarselok and Golden Lord Warden, for example)
    Mother's Sorrow golden jewerly (all bloodthirsty), inferno staff (precise and infused) and body pieces.
    Advancing yokeda gold jewerly (all bloodthirsty), Battle axe (Precise) and Dagger (Nirn)
    Spell Strategist's golden jewerly with inferno staff (Precise)
    A lot of Sovngarde Crates rewards
    Sovngarde Sabre Cat Mount
    Sovngarde Wolf Mount
    Sovngarde Camel Mount
    Sovngarde Guar Mount
    New Priestess of Mara Exclusive Costume
    Two Crimson Indrik Berries
    10 hats
    12 Head markings
    All adornments
    15 costumes
    6 skins
    21 non-combat pets
    8 Mounts
    150k gold
    56 transmutes
    Account with insane potential for pve endgame
    Steam Account included, have all information
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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