Hello, I am selling a growtopia account with L drag, and other stuff. Below are the screenshots of the accounts items and other info about the account. I wont be giving out the username of the account, but the name itself is around 2 dls, since it is a rare-ish name. The account has a 21 day name change cooldown, if this account is sold in that time period of 21 days the name will be included in the deal, otherwise if it's past those 21 days the name will be taken away by me, and the account will be left with a random name. late#1559 Is my discord if you want to offer for the account. Price of the account is 125$ on paypal (only paypal no mm), friends and family directly so no fraud can happen. Contact @moigrowtopia, he is my supervisor and will deal if we have any problems during the deal. If you are interested in this account, dm late#1559 on discord. I also have bulk accounts for sale, all level 1-125, random items from 1-1000wl, non-supporter to super supporter, prices are 100 accounts for 50$ 250 accounts for 100$ 500 accounts for 150$ Thank you, and have a good day, Ama