
Discussion in 'Help - Find Support Answers' started by Trikz, 11/28/20.

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  1. Trikz

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    Hello I'm spanish! And I don't speak English very well ... Can you tell me how the middleman works? Since I want to sell a twitch account for $ 1200 and I am afraid that I will be scammed.
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    Simple guide to use PlayerUp's Middleman Service for your Sales and Purchases...
    [Simple Guide] Playerup Middleman Service - New Members Read This! - UPDATED | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.

    If you are the seller...
    Getting Started: How Do I Sell / List Items For Sale? | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.
    Middleman: Sellers Guide | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.

    How will middleman services contact me?
    All middleman transactions are conducted on only. Never release any information, perform any service or release any payments if you're a seller unless @Middleman contacts you through the Conversation Ticket System. PlayerUp Middleman Services will never contact you through e-mail, discord, steam, facebook, whatsapp, kik, skype, or any 3rd party service. If somebody contacts you offsite claiming they are from PlayerUp, it is a scam.
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    There has been cases where there are scammers who could copy the exact ID and Tag if they are in a Nitro status.

    For reference:

    Also, scammers do like to share links of a legit seller/buyer's profile page that they are trying to impersonate because its that simple to do.

    Remember to always do this, if you are talking to someone on Email, Social Media, Discord or on any 3rd-party messaging app and is claiming to be this "X" user from this "X" site, always verify it by asking them to chat you on the site as well just to be sure that it really is them and that you have a solid proof against them in case something like this happens.

    If they make an excuse like they can't chat there right now then that's already a red flag meaning they are most likely a scammer pretending to be some legit sellers/buyers. There might be cases where the real person can't access their account but its not common and just to be safe tell them that you could wait until they can talk to you from the site before proceeding with your transaction.
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    Cómo funciona el servicio PlayerUp Middleman:
    Ahora que tiene un vínculo Comprar ahora en su venta, lo siguiente que debe hacer es encontrar un comprador. Una vez que haya encontrado un comprador, pídale que realice la compra a través del enlace "COMPRAR AHORA" dentro de su hilo y complete todo el procedimiento.

    1. @Middleman creará un inicio de pedido previo al intermediario con el comprador, donde se le darán más instrucciones para activar su pedido y completar la verificación de pago.
    2. Una vez que se haya verificado y asegurado el pago, @Middleman abrirá la conversación privada y la conversación tripartita para su transacción.
    3. Se le pedirá al vendedor que entregue la información de la cuenta al comprador dentro de su boleto de conversación a tres.
    4. Se le dará tiempo al comprador para verificar y asegurar la cuenta.
    5. Para finalizar la transacción, tanto el vendedor como el comprador deben actualizar el "Estado de la orden de cambio" que se encuentra dentro de la conversación de 3 vías.
    For Seller = "Vendedor - Confirma la entrega"
    For Buyer = "Comprador - Confirma la entrega"
    6. El vendedor ahora puede hacer clic en "Solicitar pago" dentro de la conversación de 3 vías para procesar su pago.
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