Selling  North America  Android and iOS NA #1 ULTIMATE ACCOUNT - 126 Premiums /Collectors - Worth 4000 DOLLARS - @ LOW PRICE - (MAKE OFFER)

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Blitz Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Blitz Account' started by Jaguars, 11/20/20.

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  1. Jaguars

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    My Location:
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    This account is for any Serious Wallet Warrior / Tank Collector
    Very Popular on the NA Server due to the many Premiums & Collectors owned.
    Account also comes with a Rare username that gets attention in battles & also training rooms.

    12k Battle , 52% WR
    82 Premiums in garage
    44 collectors in garage & 6 collectors restorable
    21 tech tree tanks in garage tiers 1-9
    Other tech tree tanks unlocked.
    Many Rare Avatars available.
    Most Legendary Camouflages unlocked for tanks.

    100 days Premium (as of Nov. 20, 2020)
    1099 Gold
    12,000,000+ Credits
    167,000 Free XP
    31 Free Garage Slots

    1 of 14 day Premium
    3 of 1 day Premium
    45 of 9 hour Premium
    47 of 1 hour Premium
    Many Rare camouflages
    Many x5 XP for tanks


    40 Free XP Booster
    31 Combat XP Booster
    30 Free XP Booster + 5 common
    14 Crew XP Booster + 14 common
    9 Cooldown Booster
    28 Combat XP Booster
    80 Credit Booster

    :eek::heart_eyes: Premiums :heart_eyes::eek:

    Tier X:
    121 B

    Tier IX:
    KpfPz 70 , K-91 , AMX 30 1er prot. , T 55A

    Tier VIII:
    ISU-130 , T26E4 , M6A2E1 EXP , Chrysler K , T34 , T28 Defender , leKpz M 41 90 mm , Panther 8,8 , VK 168.01 (P) , E 75 TS , Löwe , Skorpion G , JgTig.8,8 cm , T-54 mod. 1 , IS-2Sh , IS-6 , T-2020 , Obj. 252U , IS-5 , IS-3 Defender , KV-5 , SU-130PM , Defender Mk. 1 , Chimera , Action X , Chieftain , Type 59 , 112 Glacial , WZ-120-1 FT , Lorraine 40 t , M4A1 Rev. , FCM 50 t , Progetto 46 , 0-47

    Tier VII:
    T23E3 , M6A2E1 , T28 HTC , Panther/M10 , Tankenstein , E 25 , T-34-85 Rudy , IS-2 (1945) , ISU-122S , SU-122-44 , FV201(A45) , AT 15A , Type 62 , AMX 13 57 , Hafen , M4/FL10 , Edelweiss , Lycan , Helsing , WZ Blaze

    Tier VI:
    Fury , Pz. IV S. , Tiger 131 , Dicker Max , SU-100Y , Cromwell B , AC IV Sentinel , TOG II* , Strv 74A2 , Y5 Firefly

    Tier V:
    Ram II , T14 , Krupp-38(D) , T-25 , Pz. V/IV , Matilda IV , Churchill III , SU-85I , Matilda BP , Angry Connor , Chi-Nu-Kai , Y5 T-34

    Tier IV:


    Collectors :cool::eek:

    (Tiers 1-10)

    FV217 Badger , IS-2 Pravda SP , Gravedigger , Vindicator UM , M4A3E2 , Thunder , T-150 , P.43/06 ann. , Pz. IV hydr. , Pz.Sfl. Ivc , Pz. IV Ankou SP , Scavenger , Nightmare , M3 Lee , Luchs , Pz. B2 , Valentine II , T-28 mod. 1940 , Covenanter , Hetzer Kame SP , AMX 40 , Locust , M2 Medium , Pz. II G , Pz. III A , Pz. IV A , Pz. S35 , Marder II , T-46 , BT-7 art. , SU-76 , Medium III , FCM36Pak40 , UE 57 , T2 Light , T2 Medium , T18 , Pz.Jäg. I , AT-1 , Light VIC , Medium II , D1 , FT AC , Tetrarch

    Restorable Collectors:
    WZ-111 model 5A , T95E6 , Sentinel AC I , BT-SV , T-15 , T1E6

    Missing Collectors are Restorable @
    Price # (only reasonable offers please)
    Account Playable on iOS, Android & PC

    PayPal / BTC

    Contact: (for fast response)
    Discord: Jaguar#2908
    Email: [email protected]


    Attached Files:

    #1 Jaguars, 11/20/20
    Last edited: 11/20/20
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP

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    My Location:
    :party: Accepting any reasonable offers for limited time only during the holiday seasons. :party:

    Don’t miss out, Hurry Now! ⏰

    [Make Offer] :blush:

    comment below or contact me
    Email: [email protected]
    #2 Jaguars, 11/21/20
    Last edited: 11/21/20
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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