Want to sell, JP Account Rank 43 Here is what will you get: - 10K Lapis - 7 NV Units (Cloud Remake, Akstar, Madam Edel, Physalis, Terra EX1, Fina&Daisy, Raegen&Lasswell) - Some TMR Equipment - 2 100% TMR Moogle - 7 50% TMR Moogle - 5 10% TMR Moogle - Millions of gils - 97 STMR Tickets - 45 UOC Tickets - 5 Omniprism - Story progress after Ramuh Esper Price: 25$ # Payment Method: Paypal Send me your PM Here or contact me on Discord: malvis7#7447 facebook.: https://www.facebook..com/ardy.malvis.9
Im interested. Maybe you want to trade fora global account with a few Nvs if not im still gonna buy it for that price.
Sorry, i just want to sell it because i already have a global account, if you want to buy this account i will PM you for the details