Selling my Howrse account! server: international seniority: 64 days and counting karma: 10 points number of horses: 38 and counting reserve: 750 000 equus (you can get 250 horses if you spend them right) passes: 473 passes and counting aging points: 161 and counting Black Market: 52 items including - 4 HoP, 1 WoY, 3 Wands, 1 Hera's Pack, 1 Zeus, 2 GA, 2 Helios Ray, 1 Pupkin, 1 Catrina, 1 Original Spirit, 1 Button Plaiting, 1 Zaldia's Saddle Cloth, etc.. Divines: Quindecim Imortals: 4 imortal horses Golden Apple: one horse with a golden apple Unicorns: 3 (two of them are females) Looking for 20 euro. Payment: Paypal You can write your discord name and # on the comments if you are interested and I will contact you. I can take prints of the account to show you what you desire to know. You'll need to have an email available so I can connect it to the account... I will change the email to your email then I'm going to change the password to something simple. I will tell you the password so you can log into the account and change whatever you'd like. I ask you to please change the name of the account if possible. I'm not going to change the email and give you the password until I get the payment so don't try to scam me. Enjoy your new account ^^