Selling  Android and iOS  Average Animal Jam account for sell. Rare/ member items, pet s, interactive den furniture, lot s of animal s

Discussion in 'Animal Jam Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tami#2005, 11/13/20.

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  1. Tami#2005

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    Hey, I'm selling my animal jam account. It was made in 2016 and I haven't played on it since nearly two years. This account had a membership on it for a long time. At the moment it contains 253 clothing items, 24 pet's, 261 furniture pieces (a few of them can be interacted with) and 30 playeble animal's.

    I want to sell this account fairly and I am open to any price suggestions, as long as you keep it fair!
    I spent an unholy amount of time and money on this and I think this account has not reched the end of it's time yet. There sure still is a lot to do and explore, so please don't hesatete to contact me!

    Rare clothing item's:

    - 1 Angle wings (white)
    - 1 Antlers
    - 1 arctic coat
    - 1 backpack (black)
    - 1 bat glasses
    - 1 beaded necklace (green)
    - 1 bee antennae (black-white)
    - 1 rare beret
    - 1 big skull
    - 1 binoculars
    - 1 rare clover blanket
    - 1 rare box head
    - 2 branch antlers (black-white) - 1 Jamaaliday branch antlers
    - 2 butterfly wings (black-blue, white-yellow)
    - 2 Candy Cane Sock's (pink and red)
    - 1 Candy Cane Tie (white-red)
    - 1 Cowboy hat
    - 1 rare cowboy boot's
    - 2 crossbow (white, black)
    - 1 curly wig
    - 1 deer antlers
    - 1 designer skirt
    - 1 doctor's bag
    - 1 dragon mask
    - 1 epic dragon mask
    - 1 elf armor
    - 5 eyeball hat (1 rare)
    - 1 faerie wings
    - 1 fall mohawk
    - 2 feathered mask
    - 1 rare fire fighter hat
    - 1 firefly necklace
    - 1 flamming crown
    - 1 flamming Jack-O-Lantern Mask
    - 2 flower crown's (red, pink)
    - 2 frankenstein mask
    - 1 futuristic headphones (gray)
    - 1 gazelle horns
    - 1 gingerbread top hat
    - Gingerbread armour (no wings)
    - 2 halo (white, pink)
    - 2 hat and curly wig
    - 1 hat and beard
    - 2 heart locket (1rae heart locket)
    - 3 horned leg Pads
    - 1 icicle horn
    - 1 Jamaaliday kite
    - 2 Jamaaliday scarf (black, pink)
    - 4 Jamaaliday sweather (Green, black, red, white)
    - 1 Jingle bell necklace
    - 4 knite helmet
    - 1 lasso
    - 2 rare lei
    - 1 lion hat
    - 3 mummy mask
    - 2 moon hat (white, rare)
    - 1 moon nacklace
    - 1 monster teeth
    - 1 maple leaf wings
    - 1 ninja mask (rare)
    - 1 nunchucks
    - 3 necklace
    - 1 old hood
    - 1 old blanket
    - 1 panda hat
    - 2 paperclip bracelet
    - 1 pirate beard
    - 1 pizza hat
    - 1 princess neckless (rare)
    - 1 pumpkin mask
    - 1 raccon tail
    - 1 rainbow moustache
    - 1 rainbow wings
    - 1 rare golden headphones
    - 4 ribbon scarf (white, pink, black, rare)
    - 1 right friendship nacklace
    - 5 raindeer mask's (one in each color)
    - 1 reindeer slippers
    - 1 robot mask (Rare scarry)
    - 1 silk scarf
    - 2 shutter shades (black, white)
    - 1 snow shoes
    - 1 snow trail shoes
    - 1 snowflake hoodie
    - 1 snowflake baloon
    - 1 spiked hair
    - 1 sport jersey
    - 4 star cape (black, pink, 2x rare)
    - 1 rare stethoscope
    - 1 strped scarf
    - 1 striped double bow tie
    - 1 summer dress
    - 1 sword
    - 1 tie
    - 2 tiara (1x rare)
    - 1 turquoise bracelet
    - 1 truquoise necklace
    - 2 Tudexo Jacket
    - 1 unicorn horn
    - 1 vampire mask
    - 1 viking hat (rare)
    - 1 woven hat (rare)
    - 3 wreath necklace
    - 1 winged shoes (rare)
    - 1 winter hood (rare jamaaliday)
    - 1 winter jacket (polar)
    - 1 Zios mask
    - 4 zipper tail (white, red, green, orange)

    Rare pets:
    - 1 Phantom

    - 1 Arctic Fox
    - 3 Arctic Wolf
    - 1 Autumn Coyote
    - 1 bunny
    - 1 cheetah
    - 1 crocodile
    - 3 deer
    - 1 dolphin
    - 1 elephant
    - 1 falcon
    - 3 Fox
    - 1 Great Horned Owl
    - 1 horse
    - 1 Jamaaliday deer
    - 1 Lama
    - 1 octopus
    - 2 penguin
    - 1 racoon
    - 1 red panda
    - 1 shark
    - 1 snow leopard
    - 1 spooky snow leopard
    - 1 wolf

    - Small house
    - Fantasy castle
    - Peck's den
    - Greely's Haunted Hideout
    - Jamaaliday house (2x)

    some special furniture:
    - Deer Mannequin
    - Masterpiece token
    - whole gingerbread collection
    - A lot of 2017 Halloween furniture
    - Phantomizer (supercool thing which can turn you into a phantom)
    - Toy bond Pond
    - Sky high (game)
    - whole fantasy set
    - a lot of phantom stuff
    - Leaf furniture collection
    - Spooky furniture collection










    And more (all of rares are listed above) But I'm really not gonna make screenshot's of everything


    It's not that much but I had to inform you. upload_2020-11-14_0-37-1.png upload_2020-11-14_0-37-1.png upload_2020-11-14_0-37-1.png upload_2020-11-14_0-37-1.png upload_2020-11-14_0-37-1.png upload_2020-11-14_0-37-1.png upload_2020-11-14_0-37-1.png upload_2020-11-14_0-37-1.png upload_2020-11-14_0-37-1.png
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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