Selling   Name: Petar 37games Fortnite s2 umbrella and season pass lvl 100 skins from nearly all S1 seasons

Discussion in 'Epic Games Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by PetarIV, 11/13/20.

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  1. PetarIV

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    Hey guys,

    The name of the account is Petar no special characters just plain and simple Petar. Which is unique in itself. :)

    For the fortnite players I got the season 2 umbrella and from Season 3 onward i got all lvl 100 skins. I stopped playing when Fortnite 2 (season 2) came out. A bit before actually probably around 2-3 seasons before the big update came.

    The account also has many games:

    Abzu, Alan Wake, Amnesia: A machine for pigs, Ark, boderlands 2 and the pre sequel, Conarium, dauntless, enter the gungeon, football manager 2020, gta5, hitman, into the breach, killing floor 2, kingdom new lands, lifeless planet, minit, moonlighter, overcooked, pikuniku, rime, rising storm 2: vietnam, rocket league, shadowrun hong kong, shadowrun returns, shadowrun dragonfall, civ6, stick it to the man, the escapist 2, stanley parable, the witness, this war of mine, torchlight, watchdogs 2, world of goo and world war z.

    Please offer me what you would pay for it.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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