Selling  High End VIP15, K33, 330m Power, 7.2m Tech, Wonder 2 with alts

Discussion in 'Evony Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sam McMurray, 11/13/20.

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  1. Sam McMurray

    Sam McMurray
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    My Location:
    VIP15, Keep 33 with debuff gear and T13 Ranged and Ground unlocked.
    330 million power, 7.2m tech power with strong ranged, ground and cav generals.
    8 Russian subs, 1 gold, 3 purple, 4 blue.
    Comes with 11 alt accounts - K31, K30, K29, 2x K28, K27, K26 and 4x K25's - all good farmers.
    Has approximately 15 billion resources currently in the account.
    Server 142

    Genuine offers only please
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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