Sold [Selling Selling Exalted Orbs / 3.12 Heist Softcore ONLY / Hand-farmed / Individual Seller

Discussion in 'Path of Exile Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JustHereToSellStuff, 11/9/20.

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  1. JustHereToSellStuff

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    Selling Exalts / PC / Heist Softcore League 3.12 ONLY

    Price per Exalts: 0.40 cents (premium competitive price, not from bot prices or resellers)

    Current stock: 400 Exalts

    Minimum order: 5 Exalts

    (updated current price Nov 9 /2020, dependent on demand)

    Payment methods: Paypal and btc, eth, tusd, usdt. (all crypto has a +7% fee)

    Why buy from me?
    These exalts are 100% hand farmed from maps, crafting, and trading and that is for the premium competitive price.
    Exalts won't be tracked to bots farming or anything that could get you banned.
    If you buy from reseller or bots, they can be 100% traced and get you banned.
    I am not a re-seller, I don't buy or re-sell any exalts. I am an individual seller.

    How trades work:
    1. Add on discord
    2. PM this format: Amount of EXALTS / Payment method
    3. Wait for response, usually within 24hrs max.

    How to contact? Add one of the following:

    ✅ Discord: Marhko#9563 | Robbie#7410 ✅
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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