@Sorvi is sending fake negative feedbacks again in my threads with his second account @Absolutone1

Discussion in 'Feedback - Open A Claim' started by QLC, 11/4/20.

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  1. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    Lol I think you used the wrong account in the first message, because you said the same things that Absolutone LOL about use the Discord to demonstrate you are a different person, when is very easy connect to Discord in you PC and connect with another Discord in your phone and type different messages, a child can do that easily.

    Second message, always that someone report you, you say is a fake report LOL also when I reported you because of the bumps you said was a fake report when I showed all you bumps you were sending saying "up" all the time. I think you don't know that the "fake" word means, because you use it in every message you don't like LOL

    This is not a fake report, I think I published enough common things to be very suspicious that you are Absolutone:

    - Both are from the same city (Moscow)
    - Both have the same writing style
    - Both connected at same time to reply here, only 1 minute later, when Absolutone is an inactive user
    - Absolutone connected few hours after I published my new threads when he was inactive for 4 months
    - Both are building hoard accounts
    - Both are selling hoard accounts and have customers
    - Absolutone has a hoard account that started to get Traya when Sorvi started to play heroic sith raids in his hoard accounts, when he started to build his hoard like 1 year or more before that moment, but precisely coincided also
    - Absolutone has a hoard account since 18 months ago or more, so has no sense search hoard accounts if he already is building one
    - Sorvi already got warned and banned because of fake negative feedbacks to other sellers
    - Sorvi already got warned and banned because of multiple accounts

    I think everyone would think the same than me after all things lol

    And if Middleman finally says that is not enough to ban Sorvi, at least should ban Absolutone as only is here to disturb me in my threads, all his messages are inside my threads.

    And finally, I have a method to check the true, that if is confirmed will be definitive, I only need some moderator ready to check it, if is confirmed then Sorvi will be banned, because will not be possible any other option, will be 100% confirmed that is the same person, so when some admin or moderator reply my private messages I will tak them how to check that, this method cannot confirm that are different person, but can confirm that are the same person, so if some moderator wants do that tell me it and I will send by private message the method. I will send it anyway to some moderator in the following hours to check if someone can check it.
    #21 QLC, 11/4/20
    Last edited: 11/4/20
  2. Sorvi

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    Premium Pro Status: This user is a Premium Pro Seller Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Platinum Status: This user has successfully completed 125+ middleman transactions

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    The one and only child in that dispute for sure is you. All your behaviour from the moment when I started to sell hoard accounts - is a behaviour of a child not an adult man. I came to the market with hoard accounts in June 2020 and destroyed your business cuz my accounts were twice cheaper and stronger at the same moment . During several months ive sold such many hoard accounts that you couldnt sell for the 1 year. Logically that you gone in rage - someone came with a best offer and best accounts + he has huge reputation and using player up as a main payment option . You cant compete with me in fair play so you chose to play dirty games with a fake reports.

    So you are still thinking that Absolutone its me. Take a look on screenshots, child



    its visible even for blind, we started conversation in may 2019, what is more important that Absolutone has the same discord (Asolutone#1047) in 2019 and still using it. Im able to make a video of all chat logs from may2019 to nowdays so what you will say next ? that im messaging with myself from different discords for more than 1,5 years? Are you crazy ? or now you will say that it was me who asked Absolutone to post those info about you? ok, lets go to 2d part

    2d part. You are blaiming that it was me who made a comment about your in game cheating. Im not responsible for Absolutone, he found an info about you and came to forum and shared that info. He didnt come with just words (like you did with all your fake reports), he provided proofs. What did you do ? by your own words you just banned him from the thread and named troll, you didnt even try to prove that those info were wrong

    Yesterday as an admin of one of discord server you banned me and Absolutone from there , by your thoughts it could help you cuz all our messages were deleted and we couldnt prove that we are different people


    we reached out head admin


    he invited us back to server and in the pm i asked him about your possible in game cheating



    head admin just confirmed that all words of Absolutone about Qlc were true...

    And now, child,i will explain to you what does it mean - "fake" report

    1. you opened that dispute and blaimed that i had multiply accounts - lie, I provided info that you were wrong
    2. you blaimed that Absolutone put a fake negative feedback to you - lie, he provided proofs

    and now by facts :

    20 milliones of people are living in Moscow,chance that you are right 1 to 20 millions, big chance for real lol

    lie, Absolutone never did it, you are so stupid that cant even use google translator for correct translation

    @Absolutone1 pls reply again to that paranoic

    Lie, i was never banned and warned for that cuz i never did it. Proofs pls

    Lie, was never banned and warned for that cuz i never did it. Proofs pls

    My only warning visible for everyone - for the innacurate thread


    To the conclusion - did you ever think why your all fake reports and report of others scammers or envious people cant damage me ? yes, they can take my time, my health but why im still selling accounts , have best player profile on swgoh forum and have respect of my clients even after tens of fake reports ? Because truth always wins the lie. Its just a rule of life. Small example for you: in january 2020 thanks to fake report admins deleted 130 of my legit feedbacks, they basically cleared my reputation for more than 1,5 years of selling, and you know what happened next ? after almost 7 months of investigation admins admitted that those report was done by a scammer who just wanted that me leave the site (as you also wish) and it could help him to continue his scams in swgoh forum, but even after 7 months truth won the lie and my 130 feedbacks were returned

    You took too much of my time with your fake report and with all your doings you just damage your own business not mine cuz now people are know your little secret. If you wont stop such dirty games and blaiming on me for nothing - next time we will meet each other on EA forum in conversation with the game devs
  3. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    This is ridiculous LOL this guy not has grand mother, not needs it, thinks is the best sellers when is the worst and also thinks is the one selling more hoards when also is the worst lol maybe you sold more hoards by Middleman than me, because PlayerUp is not my main site, in my forum I have 20.000 views, when on PlayerUp I have 5.000 and on other sites I have another 1.000, so PlayerUp is only 19% of my sales and 10% only use Middleman, so only 2% of my haord sales are with Middleman, which is better than nothing, but much more better than you, specially taking into account that you finished faster the accounts because of your multiple fraudulent guilds where you are requesting money to participate, something that probably would be nice to report to the admins in the EA Forum to investigate LOL maybe all your hoards and members will be banned if I report =D Interesting to see that almost not appears any swgoh.gg profile in these guilds, which means some fraudulent method. I don't think that your method is legal.











    About your conversations with your second account, again a child can do that, also I have conversations with my second accounts since 2 years ago because I have been trying different things so would be very easy do that LOL

    All about cheating is not real so I not talking about it because there is nothing to talk about, you can use your second account to say these things but are not real things, so probably also I can create a second account with my phone to have a diferent IP and say just the same in your threads and will have the same credibility LOL these screenshots they sent demonstrates anything, in any part of my forum you will find anything about cheating. Futhermore, if you think I'm cheating, PlayerUp is not the site to send a report, because they don't care about it, they only care about if are legit accoutns transferred correctly and if the costumers are happy, so the fact that I'm selling accounts here, plus all the accounts I sold with my own forum and other sites, a total of around 70 accounts, since 2017 I'm selling them, and that I never received any negative feedback here and any negative comment, when all my costumers had the links to playerup to make the comments if they want, my threads have been always opened for replies during 3 years, I only needed close them now because of prevent that you publish more fake feedbacks with your second accounts, then my prestige and never received any negative comment demonstrate that my accounts are real, that they never got banned and they never will be banned because of cheating, illegal account transfer and any reason that you can invent, if you want report something go to EA forum, start reporting your own hoards and your guilds, because probably all of them will be banned, and after it report me if you want, but stop saying silly things here where nobody cares and there is not any demonstration about it LOL

    Is 100% sure that you are the same person or that you are friends and you are using his account like you did with Speedyboy where you got banned because of use multiple accounts, later you said that was a guy living in your own house LOL you are a big lier. For sure you and Absolutone are the same person or a coordinate operation, which is the same thing at the end, because how can you explain that after 4 months being inactive he appeared in my threads to publish 2 new replies? nobody can explain it, the only way to explain it is if you are the same person or if you notified him to send again fake feedbacks, both this are the same bad thing. So if the admins not ban Sorvi because there is not enough evidences at 100% like a same IP or something (he learned about it after his 3 multiple accounts bans), at least all Absolutone messages should be delete of my threads and probably the user banned because is too much suspicious.

    I closed my theads by this way Sorvi cannot create more multiple accounts or cannot talk with his friend to send me fake negative feedbacks as he did in the past against other sellers like Daniel Passos and others. So at the end I don't care a lot ¡f Sorvi is banned or not, because when I started this thread already I known that he will not be banned, first because only Middleman can ban people, not the moderators, Middleman only bans users if are confirmed scammers or confirmed multiple accounts with a same IP, nothing more, rest of people can stay here, they don't care about help the sellers against negative fake commentts, Sorvi also has some negative comments that will never be deleted, like in this post and this comment will never be removed because they don't care about protect the sellers against fake comments, this user is saying the true in this case, probably got banned because of flood, spam or something, but if you request delete that comment they will say "he is free to say his opinions" or something like this lol also if are fake opinions, not confirmed things, and also if it harms the sellers, so I not have any expectation about a ban to Sorvi o Absolutone1 since the beginning, but at least I wanted publish it to show to Sorvi that now I know that they are the same person or that they are the same coordinate operation, which is the same at the end, is like a multiple account, as he only has messages in my threads, nothing more, so be very careful with this attitudes because you already got banned and warned because of violate all rules in this site, you have a lot of warnings from Hulk, Ryan and other admins, one more and you will be banned definitively, and I think this would be very bad for your, because PlayerUp is your main job and probably the only job, so be grateful with them and stop to try to harm the rest of sellers.

    If some moderator or the admins delete the Absolutone1 replies in my threads I will be happy, I don't need nothing more. If they not want do it I don't care a lot, because I closed my threads, so I will not receive more fake comments from multiple Sorvi accounts or from his friends that join from him with the only purpose to troll in my threads LOL I requested delete the first comment, I talked with Hulk Ryan and Rolan by private message, Rolan said that would delete it if I create a different thread for every type of hoard account, as Rolan not liked that I had all same accounts in the same thread, so I did it, now I hope that accomplish the pact and deletes it, but is not very active, but I not have a lot of expectations about it, because the support here is very slow and pasive lol after it I will request delete my own threads and all will be clear, so nobody will be able to disturb me again LOL the only bad thing is that the topics appears on grey, but is not as bad, sometimes helps for more visibility, checking the views it seems not harms too much, and at the end PlayerUp only is 19% of my views, so not too much important this format, is more important prevent Sorvi second accounts or Sorvi friends that a white color LOL

    The only thing you did with this Discord screenshots is confirm that you are the same person or that he is a friend whith which you talk to send me fake negative comments, which is exactly the same bad thing, is the same use a phone with a different IP and a different account than ask to another person to join in the forum with the only purpose to write fake negative comments, is exactly the same, I don't care if is the first option or the second option, both are the same bad thing, so your Discord screenshots confirmed at 100% that you are the original creator of these comments. Probably not enough to be banned, but should be enough to ban Absolutone1 as now, as minimum, is confirmed that Sorvi and Absolutone1 are friends and that they coordinated the fake negative comments, which is the other option that explains why Absolutone1 joined in my threads 4 months after be inactive just after I published them, if this account is not a multiple Sorvi account, then it confirms that Sorvi talked to him to send the fake comments, because is basically impossible know when I publish new threads if you not connected in 4 months LOL everyone would think the same. So if are friends coordinating the fake negative comments, this is why Absolutone1 only has messages in my threads, any other thread, and why he disconnected 4 months after it each time. Probably also they coordinated the reply here, as they published it with only 1 minute difference, and more demonstrated when precisely Absolutone1 has a hoard account since 18 months ago or more so has no sense search posts about the hoards, would have more sense publish it when I started to build them 1,5 years ago, but he published it precisely when Sorvi started to sell hoard accounts also LOL so for sure if are not the same person are friend coordinating the fake negative comments, which is exactly the same bad thing, so I think is enough to deserve a moderation, deleting all Absolutone1 messages and, why not, banning his user, or at least the first thing, as now is 100% confirmed that is a Sorvi multiple account or a Sorvi friend that coordinate the fake negative messages, both things are the same bad thing, so both things deserve a delete or ban.
  4. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    Well as probably at that point any admin or moderator have read this post, probably they only joined a moment without read anything, and as I'm sure they will not read anything about the replies, I will do a summary about all things I discovered after all these replies:

    There is 2 options:

    1) Absolutone1 is a multiple account of Sorvi to publish fake negative comments

    2) Sorvi and Absolutone1 are friends and coordinating the fake negative comments

    Boths things are as same bad.

    The option 1 and the option 2 are very similar in the suspicious facts.

    ● The fact that both are from the same city (Moscow) so 1) Using a PC (Sorvi) and a Phone (Absolutone1) for a different IP, or 2) Sorvi and Absolutone1 are friends as he showed Discord conversations from 2019 if are true conversations.

    ● The fact that after being inactive for 4 months (the admins can check the connections logs) he connected in my threads few hours after publish them, so 1) Sorvi connected to his phone to join with his second account Absolutone1, or 2) Sorvi sent a message to his friend Absolutone1 to proceed to write fake negative comments to my 2 new threads.

    ● The fact that they connected at sime time here publishing an answer with only 1 minute difference, so 1) Sorvi wanted publish an answer with both accounts because he thinks that it demonstrates that are a different person, or 2) Sorvi talked to Absolutone1 by Discord to proceed to write an answer at same time.

    ● The fact that I published screenshots about Absolutone1 talking about the hoard accounts, so probably is participating in the Sorvi guild system and they are friends since 2019 so Absolutone1 helped Sorvi to send negative fake comments in my threads, with Sorvi sending notifications to him when I opened new threads.

    ● The fact that Sorvi is an user that already got warned several times because of send fake negative feedbacks to other sellers to harm them, as I showed in the moderator Hulk screenshots where Hulk confirms it, with a private message from Daniel Passos also confirming that he received the same.

    ● The fact that Sorvi is an user that got banned multiple accounts several times, 3 accounts got banned and still are banned, as the moderator Ryan confirmed in one of the screenshots of the first message.

    I think all these things, and others, should be enough to, at least, bad the Absolutone1 user, as is 100% confirmed that is one of the 2 options, 1) Is another Sorvi multiple account, or 2) Is a Sorvi friend coordinating negative fake comments to other sellers. Both things are bad, so deserve a ban or, at least, delete all his messages.

    Probably still not enough to ban Sorvi also, but at least another black spot in his black historial.
  5. Sorvi

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    Premium Pro Status: This user is a Premium Pro Seller Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Platinum Status: This user has successfully completed 125+ middleman transactions

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    Looks like you didn’t read my last message properly or you translated it for yourself with the same way like you did with a messages Absoluteone on discord server.

    Feel the difference , child, I’m speaking by facts and you are speaking by fakes. I came here and destroyed another fake report easily as usual , you came here with poor attempt to make me banned for nothing cuz you are gone mad and can’t compete with my prices and quality and quantity of hoard accounts and especially with my reputation in a fair play and left your face here. That’s it and nothing to add more
  6. Absolutone1

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    My Location:
    Yesterday you was beating in your chest and screaming that I’m a Sorvi, today I became his friend . So what you will say tomorrow , clown ? I’m just a guy who found your own frank confession about cheating and the fact that you are exploiting site with the different prices (one price on site different price when you pays ), I came and said it in your thread with a link on your own forum where you didn’t afraid to speak about cheating to inform site users that they can be banned by EA. You banned me from thread at the same moment and deleted those info about # from forum so I couldnt add anything more . And then I came again with more proofs and had possibility to publish it . You typing million words but didn’t say or do anything to beat my proofs , better to say your own proofs

    37932D83-147E-42D0-B4A5-2D773668E679.jpeg B17917FF-9452-4F8F-AAE7-DF4E5A024A9B.jpeg AF929A0F-9312-45F7-AE59-6348C375E199.jpeg
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