@Sorvi is sending fake negative feedbacks again in my threads with his second account @Absolutone1

Discussion in 'Feedback - Open A Claim' started by QLC, 11/4/20.

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  1. QLC

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    1. Date Dispute Happened

    • Dispute opened at November 04, 2020
    • First fake negative feedback at March 24, 2020
    • Second and third fake negative feedbacks at October 20, 2020

    2. Are You The Buyer or Seller

    • Seller

    3. Total Transaction Value

    • Different types of accounts from 60 to 140 USD.

    4. Other Members Username

    @Sorvi @Absolutone1
    • Already reported by private message to @Help and @Support

    5. Why Should The Feedback Be Removed

    @Absolutone1 is a second account of a seller (@Sorvi) who already got banned for this and other reasons and is doing it again, he only does it to try to harm my sales, as we are selling the same thing. All detailed info below.

    6. Provide All Chat Logs, Screenshots and Additional Information Below

    • Who is @Sorvi? He is a seller in the Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes forum. Is the guy with more accounts sold by Middleman there, but sometimes is too much competitive, applying illegal actions to keep the top.

    He already has 1 Warning Point because got banned in the past. You can check it in the following thread:


    Screenshot about the ban:


    This ban happened because he was saying to the buyers that PlayerUp is a stupid site, that is a super inconvenient service for the seller and was encouraging them to only pay it by PayPal. He changed that behaviour and now he is using Middleman frequently, but this is not the problem, only is to demonstrate that this guy is constantly violating the terms of services.

    The moderator @Hulk knows a lot about his constant rules violation, as he received a lot of reports about him:


    As you can see, @Hulk said that other members reported him for the same reason I'm reporting him again, because is trying to destroy their reputation. He is doing it constantly and will never stop to do it until is banned again.


    @Hulk talked about his multiple accounts that he is creating to destroy the other sellers reputation with fake negative feedbacks, as he did against me few days ago.

    He did the same against @Daniel Passos a very good seller with 134 positive feedbacks that now he is not selling accounts here, probably because got bored about the Sorvi behaviour, probably now he is selling accounts in other sites, making lose a lot of money to PlayerUp, because he was one of the best seller, as good than him or probably better. I have talked with @Daniel Passos by private message and he confirmed that he received negative feedbacks from him also:


    He confirmed that he received fake negative feedbacks from Sorvi multiple accounts.

    The administrators gived to Sorvi a last opportunity, but it seems he not learned:


    Later the moderator @Ryan banned a second account he had, to try to avoid the ban:



    @Ryan said that he is abusing about the multiple accounts and abusing about the feedbacks system.

    He said that was a friend living in his own house, nobody can believe that, 2 persons in the same house selling swgoh accounts, 0% credibility.


    Here another multiple account suspended, he had a total of 3 multiple accounts that got suspended:



    These are the >>Terms of Service about the Multiple Accounts<<. Is not allowed do that.

    Futhermore than send fake negative feedbacks to other sellers, send fake positive feedbacks to his own account and create multiple accounts, also not respect the other sellers with bumpings, is bumping threads all the day, he has 30-40 threads on that forum and is bumping all of them when he saw that someone bumped their threads, it harms the visibility of others sellers, so harms the PlayerUp benefits. He should have a limit of threads he can open in a same forum, like do other sites, and if you have more than 10 accounts, for example, publish all accounts in the same thread with a different Middleman listing, for example, to at least let the other sellers be in the top at least some hours during the day, he is connected all the day in this forum, is refreshing the page every 15 minutes and bumping again constantly.

    When he not has more bumps available, because he reached the limit, he brokes the rules writing "up" in his own threads to continue bumping:


    This has been only a introduction by this way the administrators like @Middleman @Help @Support can know who is @Sorvi is a guy who is breaking absolutely all rules of this site.

    And now he did it again against me with his second account @Absolutone1 again he sent fake negative feedbacks.



    Now he is using a multiple account named @Absolutone1 to send fake comments in my threads. The IP is not the same, but whe know that is very easy change an IP simply using the phone data to connect to the forum or reseting the router, when you disable the phone data and you activate it again is generated a new IP, but both are from Russia and both are from Moscow when we check the IP details, probably he not want use VPN to not get banned or something and simply is changing the IP with his phone. Also this guy only connected maybe 3 times in this forum and he got 2 different IPs as we can see in the Registration IP and Content IP, it confirms he has a dynamic IP with his phone, in the details says is static, but only because is a phone, the phones are static, but when you reactivate the data is changed.

    I catched him reading my thread, as you can see in the next pic, and I catched him connected at same time than Absolutone1:


    @Absolutone1 is an user (or @Sorvi multiple account) that only wrote 3 messages in this forum since he joined in PlayerUp on 13th January 2020, during 10 months only wrote 3 messages, all in my threads, he only had 1 message/reply in 1 of my threats, the only one I had, and few days ago I published 2 new threads and he appeared immediately, only 40 hours after publish them LOL. I saw him not connecting to the forum during 3 or 4 consecutive months, then connecting 1 time, probably to write another message against me, but he saw that his user was banned in my thread so he disconnected another 3 or 4 months, so is not an active user, maybe only connected 3 times in last 10 months, and 2 times to troll in my threads.

    I'm sure is him because his writing style is very similar, also he uses full capital letters words when he wants remark something, an example is

    "those CHEATER didnt tell you main important thing - that he is using # to complete all heroic raids. 1 account with #", or when says:

    "guys, and not support CHEATERS in SWGOH"

    @Sorvi in this thread
    "Im the biggest SWGOH trader on that forum with only positive feedbacks and can propose to you THE LOWEST price on the market", or when says:

    "my HOARDS accounts absolutely legal and NEVER used # or used help of the another accounts with # to close heroic raids"

    As you can see the writing style is very similar and he is talking about the same things (cheating), so is 99,9% sure is him, both from Russia, both from Moscow, they use the same writing style and he appeared few hours after publish my new threads, is an user that not connected in last 3 or 4 monts and just when I published my 2 new threads he appeared immediately only to troll in my post, so I not see any other option, is 99,9% sure is Sorvi, to not say 100%, he will say is not him, like when he said that his multiple account was from a friend who lives in his own house (LOL), but is very easy say false things, is an very evidence is him, so I think should be perma banned because of multiple violations since long time ago.

    These are my 2 new threads where precisely appeared @Absolutone1 few hours after, several months after being inactive:



    These is my original post where @Absolutone1 appeared for first time:


    This behaviour demonstrates that @Absolutone1 is not a normal user, he is not a buyer searching for an account, he is registered with the only purporse to troll in my threads, so I think that the only option is that he is @Sorvi because he always is trying to destroy the fair competition with illegal actions. Probably he saw that I published 2 new threads and he saw the oppotunity to use his second account @Absolutone1 to write more trolling things to try to harm my sales.

    I not see another option, because is not normal that there is a guy that got registered 10 months ago, only connected 3 times in the forum and 2 of these times only to write fake things in my threads to try to harm my sales, any normal person would do that, this is a behaviour which only can be done by some other seller who don't like me because I make him lose money, and the only person from Russia and from Moscow who can do that is @Sorvi because he copied my system about the "Hoard accounts" and he is selling same accounts than me and now that I published 2 new threads with completed accounts probably he got angry and tried to harm my sales using again his second account @Absolutone1 as also he did some months ago. Already I showed that he did the same with other sellers in the past, like @Daniel Passos and he got banned because of this and other reasons. I talked with at least another 2 or 3 swgoh sellers by Discord and they also have complains against him because of it. He is harming all the forum with these behaviours and he will never change it.

    All things he is saying about me are not real, the accounts I'm selling never used # and they cannot be banned for that reason, I sold 7 accounts by Middleman, around 1.000 USD as total, plus another 40 or 50 accounts with other methods or sites and they never had a problem, they never got banned, as demonstrates that I'm selling accounts here since 2017 and I never received any negative feedback and also any negative comment, if they had some problem I would receive negative feedbacks and comments, but the only negative comments are from the second @Sorvi account, the @Absolutone1 so the only purpuse of these comments is try to scare my potential buyers to buy his accounts instead.

    I not see any other option, because a normal person would not care about my sales, would not pay attention during 10 months about what I'm doing, it only can be done by some other seller, but in this forum there is not more sellers, specially from Russia and Moscow, nobody who care about me, I never received negative feedbacks or comments because everyone is happy with their accounts, I talked with the other 2 best sellers of the SWGoH forum (Nemunas and Daniel Passos) by Discord and they never would do that, because they not sell the same type of accounts than me, so we are not in the same competition, my only competition in this forum is Sorvi since he copied my system and from then he is trying to harm my sales with fake negative feedbacks. Probably he not sent a negative feedback to my profile directly because already got banned because of this reason, so now he only writes replies to the threads.

    I needed created 2 new threads and close them to not be allowed for replies, by this way I prevent that he creates more accounts only to send negative fake feedbacks in my threads. It maybe harms a little my sales, because when you close a thread appears with grey color and maybe some people think that are not for sale or that are sold.

    I don't know if is possible demonstrate that @Sorvi and @Absolutone1 are the same person, because changing the IP is hard to demonstrate it, also I can join in PlayerUp with my phone data, with another username, and nobody will know that I'm a different person, but at least I would like all @Absolutone1 messages deleted from my 3 threads and the user banned, by this way if he creates a new username I will report him because of multiple accounts to avoid the ban, by this way if this guy is @Sorvi he will not be able to continue disturbing me in my threads, or the threads of other sellers, creating multiple accounts, as we will know that is the same person, so the only way to solve this problem is ban this user and delete all his messages and if we detect that @Sorvi continue creating more accounts to send negative feedbacks to other sellers, then ban @Sorvi will not be a problem for the PlayerUp benefits, because there are more sellers who can sell the accounts of these players who abandoned the game, he is not the only one, or they can sell it by themself, so PlayerUp will get exactly the same money or maybe more thanks to a more fair and ethical competition on that forum that will allow to other sellers have more visibility as will not appear a guy bumping his 30 threads constantly.

    I think that @Sorvi should be banned, but probably will not be banned because is hard to demonstrate that he is doing it again, some 100% evidence, like the IP report, but he knows it because he already got cached in the past because of create multiple accounts with the same IP and he got banned 3 accounts as Ryan said, so he learned about it, now he is being sure to be using a different IP before connect in the forum and publish fake feedbacks with it.

    But I think that the evidence if is not 100% is 99,9%, because is an inactive user, sometimes not connected during 4 or 5 months, I saw how appeared an inactive user warning in his post, and precisely when I publish my new 2 threads he appears immediately few hours after LOL big error from @Sorvi I think because it demonstrates is him. Also is from Russia, from the same city, Moscow LOL and for if is not enough, has the same writing style, using capital letter to remark some words, so exactly the same writing style LOL nobody more in this forum do that. So I think that the chance to be @Sorvi is 99,9999% or more.

    If cannot be banned, at least I want this account @Absolutone1 banned and all messages removed from my threads.

    I would like to see some opinions about it from guys who are very bored about the @Sorvi behaviour like @Hulk and @Ryan and also rest of moderators and sellers of the swgoh forum. For sure he will appear here few minutes after saying that all these things are false, but nobody can believe that, his credibility is 0% since long time ago and the evidences are very high to try to lie again, but for sure he will try it again.

    #1 QLC, 11/4/20
    Last edited: 11/4/20
  2. Sorvi

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    Premium Pro Status: This user is a Premium Pro Seller Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Platinum Status: This user has successfully completed 125+ middleman transactions

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    LOL, you guy have a paranoya, i know it hurts when you have a strong competitor but it much useful when you have a clear mind. Its visible even from your screenshots that user have different IP so pls stop talking that its mine account , i never ever had multiple accounts and moderators can confirm it and i think that user @Absolutone1 can speak for himself lol. As far as i can see - he sent proofs that you are using # so its his opinion and you both should discuss it , i dont care about you at all so pls dont tag me and dont waste my time with your fake reports .
    thanks in advance
  3. Absolutone1

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    Hello, i sent those messages because i found proofs that those seller is using # and he confirmed it, i just wanted to warn all other users cuz if they buy those accounts they can be banned
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  4. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    LOOOOL good try, you just demonstrated you are the same person, connecting with the PC in one account and connecting with the phone with the second account. Is very clear are the same person, has been easily demonstrated: Same City (Moscow), same writing style, not active during 4 months and appears few hours after I publish my new threads. So big error again publish a reply with both accounts specially only 1 minute after LOOOOOOOOOL very fun XD So from now the only thing they can do is ban both accounts because of fake negative feedbacks. @Hulk and @Ryan can talk a lot about your violations LOL

    Screenshots for if he edits his messages:

    reply1.png reply2.png
  5. Sorvi

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    Premium Pro Status: This user is a Premium Pro Seller Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Platinum Status: This user has successfully completed 125+ middleman transactions

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    Hello @Hulk @Ryan

    we all saw several times different scammers which are trying to report me for multiply accounts and we all saw that wasnt true. Quim is not a scammer but for sure he gone mad when he faced strong competitor

    just check the ip, everything is visible, user sent proofs that Qls using # and Qlc gone mad....

    1 more time @QLC - if someone is speaking that you are using # - its a problem of you both but its not my problem. i dont care about you at all , its you who see a danger in my face because i have huge reputation and people prefer to deal with me . Im done answering in that thread .
    #5 Sorvi, 11/4/20
    Last edited: 11/4/20
  6. Absolutone1

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    Im ready to confirm my words, here are the proofs of cheating

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  7. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    Do you know what is a phone? I you want I can connect with my phone in 5 minutes and write a message and also I can write a message in all threads with fake negative feedbacks LOL will appear that I'm from the same City, I'm writing with the same style, but the IP will be different LOL

    If you want send fake negative feedbacks don't send them few hours after someone create a new thread. Also don't send a reply with a second account only 1 minute after to demonstrate the IP thing that is very absurd as is very easy to do that, a child can do that XD

    Is clear that you care a lot about me, because when I bump my theads you immediately bump again your threads, usually you bump at least 10 threads that you already bumped few minutes ago and you bump again the hoard threads LOL so stop to use your phone to publish messages with your second account =D
  8. Absolutone1

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    stupid statement!
    Absolutone (IRONCURTAIN)#1047 my discord! write to me and I will explain to you who is who
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  9. Absolutone1

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    do not go away from the answer! how do you explain the use of #? your buyers can get a permanent ban
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  10. Absolutone1

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    i came here just to show that you were exploatating site by using different prices (it was confirmed by moderator) and to show that you are using #, if you dont use # - lets go and prrove it and i will bring my apologies and ask moderators to delete my comment
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  11. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    LOOOOL I catched him with his user on the Discord channel where I'm moderator, talking about his own hoard which started to get Traya at same time than Sorvi started to build hoard accounts to sell them here in this platform. So is participating in the Sorvi system, it seems he was hoarding and participating in other guilds about hoarding, and since June 2020 he started to participate in heroic Sith Raids also, any guild playing Heroic Sith raid would accept a guy which is not playing and doing tickets for the guild, there are hoard systems where you can participate and get GK and Han, but not Traya, but precisely when Sorvi started to create hoard accounts he started to get Traya shards, because it says at June he had Traya almost unlocked. This is another demonstration that is the same person. And I catched him talking about his costumers who bought hoard accounts:







    He is talking about a customer and his experience with the hoard he sold, saying "клиент" which means "customer" LOL

    So now we have 2 more similar things on Sorvi and Absolutone1:

    - Both are building hoard accounts
    - Both are selling hoard accounts and have customers
    - Has a hoard account that started to get Traya when Sorvi started to build hoard accounts

    Added up to:

    - Both are from the same city (Moscow)
    - Both have the same writing style
    - Both connected at same time to reply here
    - He connected few hours after pubish the new threads when he was inactive for 3-4 months

    If still somebody still think that Absolutone1 is not Sorvi needs think better about it LOL
    #11 QLC, 11/4/20
    Last edited: 11/4/20
  12. Absolutone1

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    I am on this server because I have a hoarder account! and I am still waiting for your answer regarding the use of #! you are avoiding a direct answer! and you removed me from the server, it shows your cowardice! by the way, the translation you made from the screenshot is complete nonsense! in the screenshots I'm talking about my account!

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  13. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    LOOOL nothing more to say, you started to get Traya when Sorvi started his system and you are talkig about a costumer who used Darth Vader I think and you are talking that the guys with Revan not got defeat him, so you are building accounts also, you are selling accounts and you are not Sorvi? nobody will believe that LOL

    And stop to talk about #, there is not nothing to talk about it, I'm not using # lol it is confirmed because I'm selling accounts since 2017 as you can check in my profile and nobody sent here a negative feedback or comment about it, only you because you want scare my potential buyers to buy your accouns instead and is the only thing that you can say LOL so if they not ban your main account (Sorvi) stop to create multiple accounts and respect the other sellers, you can continue selling wihout be needed do all these things, simply sell your accounts and ignore the rest of sellers.
  14. Absolutone1

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    I sent proof where you said that you are using # , it’s your own words and they are visible on my screen! You confirmed it , so it means you are cheater and selling accounts which where built with a # . So huge risk for buyer to be perma banned by EA . Pls bring proofs that it weren’t your words
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  15. Absolutone1

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    on this server people are not discussing account sales, but the best start! and I said: instead of starting through Revan, it's better to buy a ready-made account with a legend. where does Sorvi? on the server from where you deleted us, it was clear that we were communicating. you are a dodgy snake
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  16. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    These pics you sent can me created with a simple Word or Dreamweaver LOL I can create another one right now saying that you got married with Sorvi for example, very easy, but probably not possible because are the same person LOL

    You cannot show any real link where I say these things, so you cannot demonstrate anything. Is clear that you are Sorvi because you only connected in this forum to talk about me LOL you not have any other post in any other threads, only my threads. After publish the first message you not connected during 4 months. Later you connected 1 time, I think to write another message in my thread, but as you were banned for replies you disconnected again another 4 months, and just after I published the 2 new threads you appeared again few hours after when you were inactive for 4 months LOOOOL is ridiculous that you still can say you are not Sorvi XD and you have write with the same writing style, using capital letters in some works, something that now you are avoiding to do LOOOL

    And now we discovered new things about your second account, that on Discord you confirmed you are building hoard accounts and that you have costumers LOL and we discovered that you started to get Traya when Sorvi started to play Heroic Sith Raid precisely LOL

    Both from Russia, both from Moscow... Is very clear are the same person, so the only next thing is the ban.
  17. Absolutone1

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    Lol , you are clown , i sent a 200% proof about you are cheating and you can’t say anything just bla bla bla and repeating that I’m different person . I’m not selling or buying hoard accounts I just have one 2 years old hoard account that why I’m a member of those discord server and be sured soon all admins there will now about your # . And it’s super easy to check if I’m a real person - add me and Sorvi in discord and start a conversation with all members (pls also add all admins from starting swgoh server in those conversation ) and you will be surprised and it’s extremely interesting what you will say next . My discord is Absolutone (IRONCURTAIN)#1047 and Im waiting for you
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  18. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    LOOOL there is nothing you can do to demonstate you are not the same person, already you demonstrated it. You can create a new Discord user and use 2 at same time, one connected in 1 PC navigator or program and the other one conneted to your phone app. Alo I have 2 users, yesterday I used both for example to check a configuration in my server, so is very easy do it, write with Discord with 2 accounts at same time demonstrates anything.

    But if Sorvi is banned I will accept do a video chat by Skype with both at same time and I will request a demonstration about that you have access to both accounts, but anyway would be very easy have the help of some friend, probably if any friend want do that you can pay him 50 USD or 100 USD and a lot of people will be interested to say that is Absolutone LOL and as you are the same person you will have access to both accounts, so is not the best idea.

    The best idea would be if you recognize that you are the same person and you promise not do it never again, because already you did a lot of times and is very boring always the same, I'm sure Hulk and Ryan are vey bored about it, they prefer you banned of this site.

    If you are banned will not harm the sellings and benefits, because maybe Daniel Passos will be back selling the accounts of these guys who abandoned the game and he will do the same benefits for PlayerUp that you are doing, but respecting the rest of sellers, without send him fake negative feedbacks and bumping constantly your threads all the day like 10-15 times per day, trying to send the rest of sellers to the second page to reduce the visibility. Without you the swgoh forum would be much more clear, with a fair competition for all sellers, the sellings would be increased much more, because would be much more diversity of accounts, guys like Nemunas have much more interesting accounts in general, so when you send Nemunas to third page it reduce the visibility and we know that the people not have a lot of patience, the patience is very important in sites about account transfer, and if they see a lot of not interesting accounts from the same guy and they not check the rest of pages what it happens is that they close the navigator and they go to visit other sites like ENPC or PAuctions, they will not keep here, so I'm not sure that keep you in the forum is good for PlayerUp, probably they would get much more money without you, with more visibility for rest of sellers and much more interesting accounts. Probably they can check that when you were banned also they sold a lot of accounts, maybe more than when you got back.

    So don't talk like if you are a god of this forum, because you can be easily replaced, there are a lot of other good sellers who the people who leave the game will contact to them to sell the accounts, like Daniel Passos, Nemunas and others that probably are not selling here a lot because you don't let them be in the first page, with your 30-40 threads bumps you make them go to second page lol and you are connected all the day in this forum so is very boring for them stay here, probably they prefer other sites to sell accounts, so I'm not sure if you are the best option for PlayerUp taking into account what things you do to harm the rest of sellers, like create multiple accounts to send fake negative feedbacks.
  19. Sorvi

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    Premium Pro Status: This user is a Premium Pro Seller Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Platinum Status: This user has successfully completed 125+ middleman transactions

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    Pls pls pls - stop wasting my time with another of your fake report . If you have what to say - come to the discord server from which you banned me and Absolutone. We both waiting for you


    like i said you can make video call right now to each person in discord or any other messenger. I dont know how many times i need to say that i dont care how you are managing your raids , you can use # or whatever but pls
    you should have responcibility for your words - up above you said many bad and fake things about me so you have a chance to reach me out and bring me yours apologies
  20. Sorvi

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    Very interesting part ! extremely interesting part. You just discribed the reason why you and other envious people are sending such fake reports - you just want that i was banned. and it will let you and others continue to expoit the site and sell your accounts directly out of site which you are personally doing on a daily basis. im selling 1 account per day through the player up payment system and you are doing the same once per 6 months so who is profitable for the site?? ? i have best prices and you are hate me for this because buyers are searching best prices always . And all you can do - just send a fake reports with wishing - Pls ban Sorvi for another fake reason .

    you were trying to attack me with the fake repoprt about bumping - but i prooved that i didnt do anythng wrong
    you were trying to attack me with fake comparison in your threads - i dont care , it visible for absolutely anyone that my hoard accounts are better and you gone mad because of it. Because I came and proposed best prices than you
    now you are trying to make another fake report about multiply accounts - but its visible that you are wrong and can be proved by video call in any moment or by any other method

    Pls pay attention on your own business , make it better for your clients and dont waste your energy on a useless war cuz you will lose and we both know why

    Have a good night , i really expect that you will take a brake frome your mad behaviour and reach me out to speak like adults
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