Hi im selling a 32M account. Its currently in 1895 and is ready to migrate and has enough #. 32M power 33M Kills VIP 11 1.7M Troops Passports 9 4 City Skins 220 gold heads Around a Billion Rss 5 epic gears for infantry and has 3 finished Legendary blueprints for infantry All buildings lvl 25 except for Archer tower 24(almost 25) and Castle 18 Legendary commanders Athelfied 5555 Richard 5515 Elcid 5551 Sundok 5532 Cao Cao 5531 Minamoto 53xx Fedrick 53xx Charles Martel 53xx Cleopetra 54xx Ishida 53xx YSG 52xx Julies Ceaser 5xxx Mehmet 5xxx Mulin 4xxx Gengis Khan 3xxx Charlamagne unlocked KvK 1 Almost all epic comanders expertised. Price 200$ If interested for more info Email ID [email protected] or Line ID Ragingstar95 Discord ID Tetテト#9545