Discord ~ Coolcooler#1329 WOW: 6 characters lvl 120 https://i.imgur.com/x50BLOo.png Flying in the BFA / Legion About 100 different mounts No subscription Hearthstone: 13k dust, 28 legendaries, golden warlock, priest, shaman, druid Portraits: Magni and Liadrinn Hots: 44 characters, 11k gold, 400 crystals https://i.imgur.com/ujVSO6P.jpg Overwatch: Account from the first season A bunch of different skins, golden weapons for Anu, Brigitte, Genji Skin Oni on Genji and others. Warzone: 155 lvl, purchased and fully upgraded battle pass. Purchased a set with tracer per kilo. All meta cannons are open and pumped.