Selling  High End Account level 84 almost maxed

Discussion in 'War Commander Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MihaiEmilian, 10/20/20.

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  1. MihaiEmilian

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    My Location:
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    Level 84 super high-end account and more in PM. Platoon lvl 15.
    Currently in Top 5 alliance
    Current offense units can defeat most fully maxed bases in the game
    ALL LATEST UNITS (2020) at the highest standards with 100% of it's equipments maxed with tech.

    FORWARD OPERATING BASE (FOBs) All three FOBs are at max level (tank level11) and are Maxed on tech.

    Commons on inventory over 100k each
    Tech on inventory over 250k each only Variant 120k

    All buildings are max on level and defenses that come from it. Barrier are level 12 only 3 on level 13, resource storage for metal and thorium not maxed.

    All platform are max (level 14) and heavy platform to (level 8).
    All turret that are equipped on platform (latest need for defense) are maxed and some of them have second option on max, for more information about maxed turret reach me. currently have 1 peacemaker, 2 howitzer, 1 machine gun, 1 SAM, 2 hydra, 6 salvo.

    No further investment in the next month's needed, you will need just criticals for the new released unit's to can max them in no time.

    For more informations ,reach me and i will make you a tour of the base.
    I'm selling it because I'm very busy in real life and i don't have much time to play.
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  2. OP

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    The last price is 1000$. Base is equipped with all turret on max level, have 2 FOB 11 and all pumps with storage for oil on max.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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