Info: V6 account (only need to recharge 340 diamonds until V7!!!) Wardrobe count: 1638 521 Starry Coins 94 Stamina 90000 gold 526 diamonds (Currently still making dias for whoever buys to enjoy, I’ll let you know the final amount!) Own a few pretty expensive recharge suits, such as Dresser Fairy, Virtual Violinist, Backlight Chord. Co op suits: Warfare Terminator Also own quite a few nice pieces from Disney Collab, such as Cinderella Dress, all makeups, Ariel pose. And a few pieces from frozen but not the most favored items xD Please contact me for further questions @[email protected]
Hoi do you want a roblox account for it? FOR MORE INFO CONTACT ME HERE ON DISCORD: :Elizabeth Liones#5258
I could probably do that. But I’d need to know the info to your account. Feel free to message me on discord ( Average Dog#6271 ) so we can further discuss