No one on this platform would give a refund even if the account is intact. Everyone has a no refund policy. I don't understand why you are saying that I am a scam and "giving me 48 Hours" after I have worked with this site completing 30 successfull transaction with you. No store online or not would give a refund for an item that has been played with. I am offering him the account that he played with I am not scamming him. But like everyone else on this platform and other platforms I don't give refunds the item is unsellable. I did what I had to do to make sure that my 3 months work on this account don't go in vain. I am really surprised by how a seller that made with playerup over 30 successfull transactions with an 12.5% cut for playerup ends up with "I'm giving him 48 Hours" for a transaction that wasn't even made with playerup. He only contacted me on playerup after the sale was completed. No seller is ever forced to give a refund on playerup or anywhere else if the item was no more similar to what he send and this is paypal's policy also. It seems like everyone is stuck in the online cloud and don't know how the real world work. I can understand the buyer to be angry and can't see straight but also playerup moderator attacking me like that after 3 months working no problem with this site even got a bronze badge!!
In what world could this account that look now thanks to spencer a botted one could be sold for 125$!!!
To be precise, you are being asked to refund the buyer because you guys made an agreement about it. I am not attacking you personally or your reputation here, i'm just pointing out that you are breaking the agreement that you guys had. You asked the buyer to cancel their claims in return of refunding him half of the money he paid. Refund him and this dispute will end.