Sold 114Lv Europe server: Washington-High level farming

Discussion in 'Azur Lane Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Numero47, 10/2/20.

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  1. Numero47

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    Likes Received:
    My Location:
    Price $:
    Buy Now Link:
    Buy Now
    Collection 93.6%
    Most of missing ships are from history and standard banner
    More than half of the ships are level 100 + 100 affinity
    Lots of unused resources
    Numerous emails to collect
    Dock 467/490
    37 ships lv120
    278 ships lv100
    471 gems (400 emails)
    523+ cubes
    My card: Hype
    For the account I have twitter
    Sell account for university XD
    Continuous farming (Eskimo)
    # price
    Discord: Numero47#0801

    In private you can ask me for more photos
    #1 Numero47, 10/2/20
    Last edited: 10/2/20
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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