Sold Verified Seller - Android IOS Jurassic World: The Game Mobile Boosting

Discussion in 'Jurassic World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AnomalyTraveler, 9/30/20.

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  1. AnomalyTraveler

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    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Bronze Status: This user has successfully completed 3+ middleman transactions

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    My Location:
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    Make Offer
    [ [Android & IOS], Europe, America, Southamerica, Asia, Australia, Africa]

    What i need to process your order:
    Your account needs to be connected with Facebook. so i will need your account details.

    How to purchase?
    1. Message me on whatsapp or discord.
    2. tell me what you would like to order.
    3. you can send me the payment to paypal or with a paysafecard.
    4. I will message you how long it takes until your order is finish.
    5. Start and enjoy your game!

    How to Contact:
    Discord: AnomalyTraveler#0919
    Whatsapp: +41792685147
    Email: [email protected]

    My youtube preview:

    My offers:

    Fillup Package: 99'999'999 Dna, Food, Coins (without Dollars and JW Points) =15 Euros

    Fillup Package+: 99'999'999 Dna, Food, Coins + 200'000 Dollars and 200'000 JW Points = 20 Euros

    Fillup Package++: 99'999'999 Dna, Food, Coins + 1'000'000 Dollars and 1'000'000 JW Points = 30 Euros

    Fillup Package+++: 99'999'999 Dna, Food, Coins + 99'999'999 Dollars and 99'999'999 JW Points = 50 Euros

    (real worth of the Package+++ = About 500'000 Euros)


    Dinosaur Packages

    Legendary Dino Package x100 = 30 Euros (real worth= 5'000 Euros)

    Water Dino Package x100 = 25 Euros (real worth= 2600 Euros)

    Glacier Dino Package x100 = 25 Euros (real worth= 5'000 Euros)

    Hybrid Dino Package x100 = 40 Euros (real worth 10'000 Euros)



    Super Hybrids:

    any Superhybrid to lvl 40 except Indoraptor = 30 Euros

    Indoraptor to lvl 40 = 40 Euros

    **NEW** INDORAPTOR GEN 2 to lvl 40 = 50 Euros


    GEN 2 Dinosaurs

    Indominus Rex Gen 2 to lvl 40 = 30 Euros

    Tyrannosaurus Gen 2 to lvl 40 = 25 Euros

    Velociraptor Gen 2 to lvl 40 = 20 Euros


    (MAX LVL) = 30 Euros

    Deliveryspeed on everything except superhybrids ---> 1-2 Days (most of the time in 12-15 hours)

    Superhybrids 1-2 weeks. Sometimes only 1 or 2 days.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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