Sold Lexington Global (EN) lv114 92 4 CR - PR1-2-3

Discussion in 'Azur Lane Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by chalo99, 9/29/20.

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  1. chalo99

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    Hi! Selling my personal AL account. It's in Global (EN) Lexington server, Level 114, playtime since first week of Open Beta.
    - 92.4% Collection
    - All Priority - PR1 Full Dev+FateSim+120 - All PR2 120, Full Dev (Azuma and FDG are Dev20+) - PR3 Unlocked Lv varies from 115 to 100, DevLv around 20, all the BP are not yet used
    - All UR ships (Warspite, Sandiego, Shinano, Drake, Azuma, FDG)
    - All Drops ships only missing BunkerHill
    - All Hard mode cleared with 3*, 11-2 safe level
    - All Chapters Cleared and 3*, 12-4 and 13-4 Safe Level
    - Almost all Retrofits, missing all the grey and 1 or 2 blue
    - All dorm sets and furiture avilable untill now with tokens
    - 2nd Dorm Floor unlocked
    - All event frames, chat bubbles and free event skins
    - All limited and event equipment
    - 440 dock slots (added more after the Screenshots)
    - Fleet tech at max level from Sakura, Ironblood and Eagle, Lv7 Royal Navvy
    - Most of the ships with Max level Skills
    - No Collabs (Unlocked but not in the docks)
    - Only missing ships are: Bunker Hill, Mullany, Tai-Yuan, Hiei-chan, Akagi-chan, Zeppy-chan, AkagiU, Le Malin, Z2
    - 1 Ring available and Double Gems available
    - 45k Merit points
    - Mails with Fleet admiral Rank
    - 200 Cubes right now.

    Price: 350Usd
    You can DM here or Discord at Schwarzweiss#0526 for more information

    I have European Bank account and PayPal

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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