Hello, First owner of this account selling this account including its bank and money pouch. 370m in money pouch 2750 total level 400 quest points Trimmed masterwork armour (augmented) Augmented sirenic set Complete tok haar cape set. multiple skilling pets and rawrek bosspet. Great account to directly start bossing again. EVERYTHING IS FIRST OWNER. I CAN PROVIDE FULL DETAILS ON RECOVERY QUESTIONS ETC.
alright, personally I cant do 400. I have an offer in on another acount with similar stats for 120. the cash stack you have is what makes this account worth a bit more. I'm not trying to bs you or disrespect the work youve put in so tell me realistically what your bottom line is.. And ill see if I can get in the ballpark. I have Cash in hand ready to go and bronze verified you can check my transaction history. never have had a deal go south yet.