Sold Selling Blazing Account with the best Endgame Units

Discussion in 'Naruto Ultimate Ninja Blazing Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tamer Durantas, 9/17/20.

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  1. Tamer Durantas

    Tamer Durantas
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    Selling my account currently level 177 with 82 pearls on it currently, have both the new anniversary units Naruto being 7 star with 2 dupes, Sasuke being 6 star still cause Kakashi is 5 dupes in 7 stars instead.
    Also have max dupe FV Naruto and Sasuke and other max dupes such as Kaguya (HRT) and SKL Naruto Uzumaki "Proof of Ties That Bind"
    Imgur Link - Just Click the Picture/Link it's a big Imgur link so.

    This is my entire box, if you are curious about a certain unit and their dupes message me on Discord Potatotopia#6315
    Can also negotiate price through Discord as well!
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