Hewwo there o: ! , I'm selling my 115 Specter On Isya Server with a +12 Leg Duals with DB Skin Duals , Some Godly DDF Gear ( only +3 on one of them ). -Level 115 - DB Duals on the Spectre , Another DB Duals in SC Bag , and DB Mace in SC Bag. -Stats are perfectly made -Level 115 + 12 Legendary Weapon with 10 HoBs - Level 110+10 Defense Bracelet -Part of Godly DDF Gear +3 / 0 -T5 Enhancement Bundle ( Perfect Bundle ( Perfect Gold ) -100% Extenders -Red and Blue Dragons Grace - 30 Days 2 Costumes - 2 25k Durability Kits for the DB Skins - Dmg Beard -Teva -Other Extenders - 7 Day mounts and costumes -20% Charms - Pets. I Guess that's it ~ If Interested and a serious buyer add me on Discord or message me here YaOki#1867