Hi, I'm looking to sell my Rise of Mythos account due to my lose of interest in the game. VIP status: (VIP9) 108,760/120,000 (VIP10) Legendary Cards: Human: [Crossbow Captain]; [Juliet] Elf: [Elven Marksman]; [Elven Hunter]; [Elven Sharp Shooter]; [Elven Priestess]; [Elven High Priestess]; [Elven Fire Mage];[Tanwen Wildfire]; 2x[Ophelia West-Wind]; [Elven Thunder Archmage]; [Elf Lurker]; 2x[Tariel the Phalanx]; [King Vel'Assar];[Watchman Kayne] Halfblood: [Feles Assassin]; [Feles Scout]; [Mifzuna the Wind]; [Centaur Guerrilla Leader]; [Centaur Marksman]; [Lucius Swift]; [Tengu Warrior]; [Tengu Shadow Warrior]; [Tengu Assassin]; [Tengu Bloodseeker]; [Chief Hrafn]; [Sylvi Apprentice]; [Sylvi Bladesoul]; [Yumi Swiftshot]; [Werewolf Ironclaw]; [Werewolf Howler]; [Werewolf Flayer]; [Werewolf Fleshripper]; 2x[Fenris the Butcher]; [Maia the Shadowblade]; [Whitemane]; [Sagittarius] Undead: [Zombie Champion]; [Prince Serka]; [Darius Darkhand] Beast: [Sawtooth Thunder Lizard]; [Virulent Bat King]; [Ancient Chimera]; [Unicorn Tempest] Outsiders: [Pan]; [Spartan Hoplite]; [Loki]; [Freyja]; [Dark Elf]; [Set]; 2x[Sphynx]; [ARK Priestess]; [Nun the Mutinous]; [Princess the Wind]; [God of Darkness]; [Onslaught Knight Lawrence]; [Magic Fist Simon] Dragon: [Frost Dragon] Angel: [Angel Vanguard]; [Judge Artimus]; [Virtuous Knight]; [Savior Carella]; [Swift Astral] Demon: [Pit Fiend]; [Fallen Angel] Godlike: [Undead King Bael] [Fenris the Butcher] Looking to get around $400 for the whole thing (Great deal right?) For questions, comments and/or concerns you can message me on line (Line id: locotaco) or email me @: [email protected]. I prefer line, used to its functions and am capable of displaying more information there, such as images of account and cards. Thank you.