Selling  Android and iOS  High End Selling high end global account in A10 Leo server

Discussion in 'Saint Seiya Awakening Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ffelixf, 7/22/20.

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  1. ffelixf

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    This is a high end account, level 60 with several maxed knights. This account is usually top 3 in the server, and can be used in Jamir.

    This accoung has:
    - All flower temple in at least lvl3, with some in lvl4
    - Exclusive Sailor June skin
    - Lvl 50 in skin pavilion
    - All gods skills in lvl3, with Afrodite Shyness lvl4 (and 9 spare murmurs)
    - All gold repaired cloths, with 35 gold boxes and 14k dust
    - Almost maxed treasure pavilion (missing a couple of challenges, specially PvE ones... RC section has all resonance maxed)
    - 116 summons and 1435 diamonds
    - A lot of double speed cosmos (around 20+), and one triple speed cosmo... with lots of good maxed cosmos

    And has the following level 80 players:

    Gemini Kanon 1454
    Ikki DC 3324
    Seiya DC 1541
    Shiryu DC 4535
    Shun DC 1135
    Evil Saga 3355
    Hashun 1452
    Myu 3443
    Hypnos 1144
    Poseidon 3333
    Hades 1323
    Athena 1232
    Milo RC 3234
    Shaka RC 2312
    Camus RC 1233
    Shura RC 1214
    Saga RC 1414
    Aioria RC 3315
    Aioros RC 1241
    Dohko RC 1531
    Mu 1331
    Deathmask 1143
    Arayashiki 2323
    Shion 1332
    Pope 1421
    Shun Nebula 1422
    Hyoga Gold 1331
    Sorrento 1324
    Saori 1153
    Minos 1413

    Also I have maxed Misty, Yuzuriha, Outrage Shiryu, Bian, Xiaoling and Nero. And several level 70 players.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. Ezequiel Gelmi

    Ezequiel Gelmi
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    Suspended Status: This user has been suspended for terms of service violations or fraud practices

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    Hello, the account is linked to something?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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