Account 354 lvl for sale! Clear!! Library: maxed. Aircraft: Fighter maxed, Bomber maxed, Recon maxed Factory: HT almost maxed, all others one step to be maxed Generals: Zhukov 73lvl, Churchill 74lvl, Hannibal 79 lvl, Petra 55lvl Uni: Empress Wu Zeitan 52/80, Suleiman 80/100, Harriet Tabman 67/78, Sally 41/60, Hannibal Barca completed, Hiawatha completed , Musa completed , Moctezuma completed ,Leonardo completed, Saladin completed , Amelia completed, Haile Salassie completed, Catherine completed, Sejong completed. Museum for defense: All defense tower damage +58 All defense tower hp +96 Invading bomber damage -47 Invading bomber hp -63 Defender spawn time -54 Invading HT damage - 50 And more other buffs. 3 legendary war artifact: The white Death’s War Kit, RQ-2 Pioner, ASM-135. contact me on telegram: @Podarenok Discord: Podarenok Мятежники 0MD#6868
Hi, Can you verify tell me the name of the account for sale please? I want to verify that it has not been raised through # methods and that there are no nexxon sanctions against the account i.e if the account has been banned before for violating CS terms. If the account is genuine and clean - then I will be potentially interested. Thank you