Hi ! im selling my transformice account cause im not playing in it this game anymore and i thought if i can sell it then why not? . So this transformice acc is very rare and it costs 30 $ , here some of the stats : _________________________________________________________________ 1. Cheese gathered - 52,943 . 2. Cheese gathered first - 2,404 . 3. Bootcamp - 1,039 . 4. 42 furs (collector furs and alot more lit furs) . 5. Cheese gathered as shaman - 669 . 6. Level - 100 . __________________________________________________________________ Please only serious people and without trolls ! You can DM in discord my name is : Yelraf#9098 and make sure the Y is in caps . you can also DM here but the chances are low that ill see it . Here some screenshots of the account furs : https://prnt.sc/tq1oqg https://prnt.sc/tq1owx https://prnt.sc/tq1p2g https://prnt.sc/tq1p69 https://prnt.sc/tq1pb7 https://prnt.sc/tq1phi https://prnt.sc/tq1pnt . For any other questions - in my discord , again - Yelraf#9098 Thanks !