Selling Selling IPTV 24 Hour trials free Yearly monthly subs avaliable

Discussion in 'IPTV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by adaz1, 8/31/20.

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  1. adaz1

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    Hey guys, here im selling a Premium IPTV service. With over 3 years of sales now expanding my customer base to here.

    we offer 24 HOUR TRIALS which is free and prices are as followed

    -1 Year = £50
    -6 Months = £40
    -3 Months = £25
    -1 Month = £15

    Content :-

    Over 2600 Live channels all in SD,HD,FHD
    All Entertainment/documentaries/sports/kids/PPV/movies
    9 categories for foreign channels
    Over 4600 Video on demand movies and tv series

    Setup on android devices only ( best on amazon fire tv sticks)
    Setup takes 10/15 minutes depending on how well you can navigate your device.

    no payment unless you decide to purchase the service after 24 hour trial.

    Paypal/crypto payments taken
    contract me on Discord here

    or alternative you can private message me here.
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