I've buyed a Tiktok account on 13/08/2020 and the seller stole the account on 17/08/2020 using his phone number still attached to the tiktok account. After some days he put the account for sale again here on playerup.
On my end I have not taken back the account. It was a resell meaning the original owner can take it back. I even warned him. Then he decided to spam my new tiktok account that I made @Support I have done my part he should understand what resell is. Insted of spamming all my media cause so far I have almost all good ratings on my other shops.
Plus not to mention I'm loosing sales cause of what he spams and followers so hurts my rep! Like For Real! Why spam someone like that when u got what u paid for
@Support New account seriously? he take people for a fool.. the first video was made on 27/05/2020 the name was nathanschultz i renamed it to i_am_marshmellow when i bought it. his name is nathan schultz here and same on facebook https://m.facebook.com/xylus.bratonia?tsid=0.6785115905513182&source=result and same on the tiktok account we can clearly show his face
If @Support don't want to help me that's ok. but i will not let him sell the same tiktok account over and over again. I've finished here, thank you support
Ur going against someone who's a trusted seller. Man plus you also got what u paid for a cracked account
The way you've talked in this thread shows you are NOT a trusted seller. Nowhere but in this thread have you ever said that your accounts are cracked. Where did you tell the buyer he was purchasing a cracked TikTok account prior to this thread? Why would you be re-selling the same account if it's cracked and the original owner retrieved it? That would mean YOU are the one who retrieved it and you're scamming. And why would you think you don't have to refund him if you sold him an account that was recovered 3 days later? The first option means you're a scammer, and the second option means you're selling terrible accounts. I can't find one other option available for you @Nathansvhultx5 so you'll need to explain your side of the story. @jeremy p was this done via Middleman? If so, please post your transaction ID. Suspension put in place until this is resolved.
U know what I crack accounts for a living he dmed me on tiktok on my account and asked a bunch of love you which cause of him spamming. But FR I requested a cashout for some of my other love you never got help on that come on playerup fr