For sale - account in top alliance on Magnus 6. Account has - 140m stone, 200m iron, 150m of each other resource, 200k warpstone Maxxed warlords: Mounted Exalted, Lord of Change, 2x Demon Prince, 1x Herald of Slaanesh, 3x Shuggoth Additional epic warlords - 2x Mounted, 2x Lord of Change, Mammoth, Slaambo Banked: 1100 hours of speedups, ~100k stamina potions, hundreds of item chests Level 2 Blood Bastion Champion level 44, Good itemization (highlights are epic transmuting vanbraces and relic of the chosen) 13m Alliance coins, Level 13 prestige, 100+ days of prestige (and many more banked)
Account is now significantly more developed, with two additional maxxed epic warlords, gold goblin armor, and other advancements.