Hello, I'm a player who started from the start of the game and I did all the birthdays of the game I thought that the game was improving with some new features but this anniversary is by far the worst (even more than the 2 years) I do not want to continue this game which gives false hopes for nothing Maybe the game will improve in the future but it's too late for me my patience has limits I have on this account 90% of the BF, I have ALL the PC units (the majority are cost -28) I have ALL the Kage League character (with abi on a lot of them) so yes I have the best characters for PvP Bee Hashirama Guy ... I have almost all the BB characters (I don't have Nagato and Pain and some other trash BB) I have ALL the SS character red ultimate I have all the 7 star except the new Naruto wisdom I don't drop him So the selling price is 350 € but we can negotiate You may think it's expensive but I guarantee you're wrong, because in the game 50 pearls = 30 € so 350 € ~ = 600 pearl and with 600 pearl you can make a full step (= 400 pearls) =9 multis+4multi(=200 pearls) and you will absolutely never be able with that to have 1% of my account You can reroll but even if you have a good reroll you're not able to do the Ninja Road, the SS events and I don't talk about the PvP you will lost all your games if you don't have a meta team (and you can't have a meta team unless if you have the 7* and the reward with dupes) I have a lot of full duped characters or with all their good abilities, you can contact me I will show you that You can contact me on Discord: Ayoubssj#3715 Here is my account:
I tried to add you on discord but it said that I couldn't add you is the your settings. I’m interested in your account
Hey man I am serious about buying this account I hope this isn’t some kind of scam if you are legit add me on discord because I tried adding you but it says you are not accepting any requests only add me for serious business slumpgodxx#0841
It’s a scam bro he’s blocked me on discord because I caught him trying to scam me but it didn’t work . Don’t buy from him. I have screenshots to prove it and he used a different discord that’s why you can’t find him
It’s a scam bro he’s blocked me on discord because I caught him trying to scam me but it didn’t work . Don’t buy from him. I have screenshots to prove it and he used a different discord that’s why you can’t find him
It’s a scam bro he’s blocked me on discord because I caught him trying to scam me but it didn’t work . Don’t buy from him. I have screenshots to prove it and he used a different discord that’s why you can’t find him
The account has been sold to Slumpgodxx (It's weird considering that i'm a scammer according to some people)
Yes I have bought the account and it’s now officially mine he is no scammer you are a liar so if you could stop telling lies on him I would very much appreciate it