4/6 Destruction +2 5th piece soon 2/6 Hedgemony +4 and +3+ 2x Waterdrake rest Scarletdrake 4 New Hero weapon and 4 Secound i dont know in english sorry (fire) All statues apokalypt All Dream Gems except for top stats All new Artifacts 1.5m Troops t10/11 350M Power Top stats 1.9+ Rest 4k+ till 4.5k i will do some more upgrades Brutus locked Kingdom doing very good every kvk sh 45 and 44 inside and lots of t12 players Pm if you are interrrsted 250€
Gorlois also unlocked now for def.... but power is now 270m troops are in hospital and the rest in sanktum because a player attacked me without my dragon before he quit the game
Lots of Updates available again... stats upgrades.. waterdrake 3/4 ... almost full destroyer 15 Bar left, another new hero weapon soon too... + 1 new Genesis statue from chest for top stats...
Its on 330m power at the moment 5k+ speed ups to go back easy to 370m at the next event 1.950-2050 Top and 4.2k-4.7k rest now Lots of upgrades to do for the next event 9 bars for the last destroyer left (ring) Pm if you are interrested