Campaign Missions – Excalibur Delivery time 1-2 weeks, very dependent on how many missions are already completed Willing to work around a playing schedule that's best for you Available for NA (PC) Your tanks and equipment will not be sold or your gold spent whatsoever without explicit consent Conditions A Premium Account Equipment & crew skills might be switched around to provide best conditions for completing missions A wide variety of tanks of different tiers to use *No #, illegal mods or rigging used* No tanks or equipment will be sold or gold spent without your consent Chat will be disabled during sessions and platoon invites ignored to insure your account is safe Missions are done by high skilled player so no matter what your wn8 will go up, guaranteed. Complete confidentiality Feel free to message to talk, for details & keep up to date with mission progress Contact Info Discord - Vecz#4999 Email - [email protected]