Sold [Selling] Hearthstone EU ACCOUNT | High end All Heroes Golden + Max lvl on all!

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by lookatme2, 8/17/20.

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  1. lookatme2

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    There are still 235 Gold, 11 Packs and 5400 Dust on the Account.
    20 Season were played on the Account and there are still many Cards on it.
    2 Golden epics and 2 Golden legendarys, 26 overall legendarys and 58 overall epics

    All Heroes Golden!!! + Most of them has 600+/1000 wins !

    41 Card-Backs + Very Rare ones like: Legend, Dalaran Flame, Samsung Galaxy and Stolen Thunder!

    18 Heroes + Special ones like: Arthas (From hard Challenge), Lunara, Alleria, Madame Lazul, Maiev, Morgl, Thunder King, Nemsy and Mecha-Jaraxxus! All Heroes are Golden and ALL are Lvl 60!

    Total WIns on the Account are 6615 and 28 Total Arena Wins!

    Hit me up on DIscord: Look at me#0800 or pm me here for further question :)

    If you want proof or see the acc yourself i can even make a live transmission!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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