I have done a lot of unlocking cammo for people, I can unlock platinum, Damascus and gold cammo for your account with giving you a very good price, Damascus would be sum of the platinum cammo’s price. But for each guns depends on it class gold cammo would be around 5 to 60 dollar. Riot shield’s gold cammo is 59$. Each Ar’s and smg’s would be around 9$ to 15$. Shotguns 9$ to 15$. Pistols 6$ to 10$, snipers 15$ to 25$, marksman 15$ to 20$, lmg 7$ to 15$ and knife 49$. I unlocked mine Damascus early season one, I have about 90k kills in multiplayer. All the price are depends on the situation and time that you’re going to give me. Hit me up with gmail to give you the price for Damascus, platinum cammos and gold cammos at time. [email protected]