Selling EU1

Discussion in 'Pirate Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FlouwFLu, 8/13/20.

  1. FlouwFLu

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    Hello Guys,

    Since I no longer play actively, I decided to sell this account. There´s the info account:

    GE1-Lvl 50, 423 000 000 Gold, 10k Diamonds, Doubloons 4.410,00

    Frostbrand 157+ cannons, 130+ harpoons, Summer + Eagle-Set
    Fist of Icegard - no upgrades
    Gladiator 144+ cannons, 66+ harpoons, Summer + Panther-Set
    Godfather 2 - 96+ cannons, lots of upgrades
    Churning Envy 146+ cannons, 114 harpoons, Winter + Eagle-Set
    Blizzard - no upgrades
    Devastator - few upgrades
    "Barracuda" Battle Frigate - no upgrades

    Number of Bombastic: Lvl 1- 172, level 2- 30
    Number of Coffin Nailer: Lvl 1- 144

    Iteams: Most Important
    Arena Bermuda Flash -900
    Arena Plates- 1700
    Dragon Blood- 66
    Froostwolf Blood- 72
    Eagle Blood- 43
    Stolen Blood- 177
    Deep Sea Blood- 172
    Swinging Shield- 119
    Lunar Protection- 97
    Hydro Crystal- 915
    And many, many, more!


    I sell the account at 100$ (# price)! Only accept PayPal. After I receive the money, I will give you the account details! Any doubt contact me [email protected] or DM! Thank you.
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