Hey all Selling my EU account, only had it a couple of months, spent over £400 on it but I'm starting a new job and won't really have time to play. You can make pretty much any top tier deck from my collection, wallet warrior, combo and ramp druid, midrange paladin, face hunter, oil rogue, mech mage, Midrange sharman, Handlock , freezemage etc FULL Naxxramas Legendary:MalorneCenarius Archmage Antonidas Tirion Fordring Vol'jin Edwin Vancleef Trade Prince Gallywix Neptulon Al'Akir the Windlord Lord Jaraxxus Mal'Ganis Grommash Hellscream Bloodmage Thalnos Baron Rivendare Old'Murk-eye Captain Greenskin Feugen Harrison Jones Loatheb Stalagg Hogger Maexxna Sylvanas Windrunner The Black Knight Baron Geddon Dr. Boom Foe Reaper 4000 Kel'Thuzard Ragnaros The Firelord Sneed's Old Shredder Alexstrasza Mekginner Thermaplugg Ysera Deathwing Iron Juggernaut Tinkmaster Overspark Toshley Epic Highlights: 2 Force of nature 2 Ancient of lore 2 Ancient of war 2 Echo of medivh 2 Iceblock 2 Quartermaster 2 Lay On hands 2 Preparation 2 Shield Slam 2 Brawl 2 Doomsayer 2 Big Game Hunter 2 Shade of Naxxramas 2 Piloted Sky Golem 2 Mountain Giant 2 Molten Giant Rares: 2 of every rare apart from - Explosive shot, KirinTor Mage, Mass Dispel and Young priestess of which I have 1 of each, Fantastic account for anyone who wants to start playing in the big tourneys straight away. I've also opened a few packs on the American server that is linked to this account (Blizzard don't let you use cards between the different servers) and it has a Golden Barron Geddon and a big game hunter on it, so plenty of dust to make a budget deck if you wanted to try out the American server as well. I'll also be playing the daily quests so there will be even more cards or dust/gold on this account by the time it's sold.