hello. i wts my os shaiya aol account : 80 um fighter , 2 flower rank (79k kills) , no gears. account has atm 2300 Ops + 230k ap points + items worth minimum 700 ops (troll of tear As , pains 7-6 , bs 6s , swifts etc ) items that if they be reselled when last patch comes can double their value. im not active pvp atm but only buying ap cards and doing eoms.so ratio between ap points and Ops is changing.im one of the most known and trusted players on aol. just decide to leave game and sell my account. if u are interested send me a msg here or leave your skype and i contact u.serious buyers , serious offers. realy scammers dont bother.many tryed but noone succeed(its getting borring)..msgs like give me your codes and i pay u after are epic fail . well just contact me if u are serious buyers and we talk