Selling Runes on Macantacht server!

Discussion in 'Runes of Magic Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 3/10/15.

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  1. Games

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    As the topic speach, since I sold all the gear from my 3 charactars I still got the runes over. If you check the AH history on the rune sectory the runes total worth is over 13,000,000,000 gold!

    The runes that I have is:
    Aggression X
    Revolution X
    Potential X
    Block X
    Enlightenment IX
    Raid VIII
    Raid IX
    Fatal X
    Wrath X
    Reconciliation VIII

    You will make alot more ingame gold to buy this instead of buying these diamonds they are selling.

    On promo they sell about 6000 diamonds for 99 euro which makes my prices alot better. You can sell half of the runes and build a whole endgeared rogue, scout or warrior+ keeping runes for the whole character.

    Add me on skype! msdkntz
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