Selling Rappelz account R7 US pvp undine

Discussion in 'Rappelz Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 3/9/15.

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  1. Games

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    i'm selling my Rappelz account because of lack of time and because i already spent enough time in the game. Therefore i am quitting and looking for someone who wants to take my account and give me a fair price for all the time and effort i've put into it.

    the account is situated on the US server Undine (pvp)

    it has:

    Cardinal lvl 155
    Dead Eye lvl 152
    Evoker lvl 112
    Warlock lvl 101
    2 lvl 1 beginning chararcters

    it has lots of nice items (and lots of cash shop items such as helmet, decorative armor, wings, lak container etc.) on it and a fair amount of ingame cash: +5 creature taming card, 155 death tyrant, decent mc gear equipped with tear drop stones, about 4 mc sets of belt, earring and ring (one for increasing taming, one for better creature breeding and 2 others to increase the skills of a deadeye). one set for the deadeye is 6 slot belt.

    contact me for more info

    it also has lots of belt pets with a setup that increases the dead eye's strength considerably.
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